Family? What About Family?

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A/N: Yo, what's up? Sorry this chapter took longer than usual. I had planned out a special chapter to expand Y/N's lore. But that seemed to be the wrong call. So I've been trying to figure out how I can sneakily use bits from that chapter. 

Y/N: "Who is it?"

Being alerted to a ring at the doorbell, Y/N opens the door. Lucoa stands there by herself.

Y/N: "Hello. Can I help you?"

Lucoa: "No, I just wanted to stop by. Do you mind?"

Y/N: "Not at all. Come in."

He steps aside and lets Lucoa inside. Afterward, Lucoa sits at the table near the kitchen.

Y/N: "Coffee?"

Lucoa: "That'd be nice."

Y/N takes out two mugs and pours fresh coffee into both. Lucoa stops by like this every so often. By now, Y/N knows how she takes her drink. She even brought Y/N a bag of what she calls the freshest on earth. She refuses to explain any further. For Y/N, he takes it straight. Not because he likes it, it's actually the opposite. His extreme hatred of the bitter drink allows him to wake up prepared for anything. On the days he doesn't drink liquid spite, he sticks to spider lily tea. He hands Lucoa her mug.

Lucoa: "Thank you."

Y/N sits across from her. Coming from the living room, Tohru enters the kitchen.

Tohru: "Lucoa-chan?"

Lucoa: *She turns to Tohru* "Good morning."

Tohru: *She smiles* "Good morning."

She nods before leaving the room. Kobayashi is asleep in their bedroom.

Y/N: Doesn't Tohru want to talk with Lucoa, too? I guess she has been visiting the human world a lot more. 

Lucoa turns back to Y/N, eyes unopen.

Y/N: "So, I'm going to assume you need something?"

Lucoa: "I need nothing from you. Your kindness is enough for me."

Y/N: Wait, that probably came across wrong. "Sorry if that sounded rude." *He sips his coffee* "Everyone's been asking me for favors recently. You usually visit when Kobayashi is around or when you're wanting to talk to Tohru. So if you're visiting with just me here, that probably means something."

Lucoa: "You think I'm only here because I want something from you?"

Y/N: "Something like that."

Lucoa: *She tilts her head* "Like?"

Y/N: "Ummm... Good question." What would a dragon goddess need from a human? *He sighs* Nothing that she couldn't get herself. "Sorry, it's a habit. Honest."

Lucoa: "I can tell."

She scoots a little closer.

Lucoa: "Your disposition always seems slightly negative."

Y/N: *He looks away* "It's not as bad as it used to be."

Lucoa: "That's what I was curious about. It seems no one starts that way. Even the grumpiest dragons I know were all cheerful in the past."

Y/N: "Well, I wouldn't say I started negative, but it was instilled into me at a young age." It happens to everyone at some point. But that usually happens when you're up there in age too.

Lucoa: "So what happened to you?"

Y/N: "A lot. More than what most can handle." Or so I think. I never know what someone else has gone through. Perhaps someone on my walk to work has had it much worse than I have.

I was Expecting a Normal Life, Guess not (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora