XI[Our First Fight Pt. 2]

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(This chapter is from Marinas POV unless said otherwise)

I made it home. Everyone else was home doing something, Mom was cleaning.. Dad was watching tv.. And Harper and Jodie were talking. Without thinking I slammed the door and walked upstairs. I slammed the door to Harper and I's room. I sat down on my bed, my phone was vibrating with texts from Jack. I threw my phone across the room. 

Harper and Jodie walked into the room, "Hey.. What's up Marina?" Jodie picked up my phone, "Hey Mar', Dunkleman is texting you-" I cut her off by throwing a pillow at her, "Jesus okay." 

"Don't even mention his name." Harper sat next to me, "First fight?" I lightly nodded. Harper sighed, "You wanna know what mom has told me?" I glared at her knowing what she was going to say, "Don't ignore the person you are fighting with always-" I cut her off, "resolve it by talking? I know.." 

Harper put a hand on my shoulder, "Sooo.. Just talk to him." I sighed, "Maybe.. I need some time to think though." Jodie made Harper stand up, "Well then, we will leave you alone to think." They both left my room.

I stood up and checked my phone, luckily there were no cracks luckily but there were a buttload of texts from Dunkleman. 


Hey Marina?

Please talk to me.

I wasn't staring at a girl I was just spaced out.



I love you. 

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