In Vain

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Winsdor's House
10:00 AM

She was hiding behind Danny seeing all the unknown people and Danny chuckled. She looked at him and he nodded.

" She is our cousin Crystal." Danny said pointing Crystal. Crystal smiled widely at her.

" Hi, I am Crystal Kingsley. What about you?" Crystal asked her. Claire looked at her brother who nodded smilingly.

" I am Claire Rodriguez." Claire said to Crystal then she remembered something and corrected herself. " Claire Winsdor. I am Claire Winsdor." She said to Crystal and she smiled.

" Nice to meet you, Claire. And thanks to the person who named you Claire. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you. Actually, all the girls of Portwalt clan and from Portwalt clan is named with the initial C. So, I am so happy that you are named Claire." Crystal smiled.

" So, you are not happy for finding her out?" Eugene asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" Shut up." Crystal said to him and he chuckled. " I am so happy that she is found. I am going to through a party. Oh, by mentioning the word party I suddenly remembered that I have to buy some gifts everyone. " Does Coryn wants to come with, Mommy?" She asked her little girl who smiled at her mother. " See? The doll wants to follow Mommy." She said to him. " Cause, east or west C is the best." She said and he chuckled.

" She is just a 3 months old little baby, Crystal." He said and she rolled her eyes.

" So what?!! She loves me more." She said.

" Crissy!!!" Danny said and Crystal rolled her eyes.

" Does Claire want to accompany Captain C?" Crystal asked her.

" Who is Captain C?" Claire asked her. Danny laughed.

" It's she herself. She calls herself as Cap C." Danny said and Claire smiled a bit.

She likes Crystal who supposed to be their cousin. She was very beautiful and cute. She talks a lot but still her words engages minds. She was a bit childish but it suits her completely. It was looking like if she wasn't a bit childish then it wouldn't be her. Her childishness was her significant nature. If she was matured then it wouldn't suit her at all. Not at all. Claire smiled at her and Danny nodded. She walked and sit next to Crystal. Crystal smiled at her back. The sooner she gets along with everyone the better it will be for everyone.

" Can I take her?" Claire pointed Coryn.

" Sure." Eugene said and let her take the girl and Danny knelt before her. Both the siblings were very happily looking at the little baby.

" What is going on, kids!!!" Louis asked as he sat next to Claire.

" She is so cute." Claire said to him and Crystal captured the moment.

" Beautiful. Well done, C. You are very talented. East or west C is the best." Crystal said and Claire smiled.

Later that day all the girls went for shopping and they had enjoyed a lot as Claire was with them. Claire came to know what it is like to have a real family. She was happy for having her near and dear people with her.

In the evening they came back and found the whole house was decorated beautifully. A party was arranged to introduce her officially to the neighbors. Though there were a lot of questions but they didn't ask her any questions that could make her feel awkward on Danny's request cause no one actually knew what exactly happened to Chloe and Matt that they had to leave their child in the orphanage and making them to leave their home, their families and everything. It was really an unsolved mystery.

The party ended without any problems. Everyone went to their house. Danny found Claire standing before their parent's photo and looking at them without blinking.

" What happened to my Clairy bear?" Danny stood next to her and knelt before her. Her eyes were teary which made him scared at once. " What happened, Claire?" He asked her. She hugged him at once and started to cry. He patted her head.

" Everything is ok, Claire. Why are you crying?" He asked her.

" Whe...where...where...are...are...ou..our pa.. parents, Danny?" She asked him and he smiled sadly before breaking the hug wiping her tears.

" They will be back." He said to her.

" Wh..when?" She sobbed.

" Soon, Sweetie. Very very soon. Then Dad will put some sense in Reben." He said and she chuckled with tears in her eyes.

" Yes. He always supports that Raffy stupid. I will tell Dad to make me another Reben. Better than him." She said and Danny smiled kissing on her forehead sighing deeply.

He at least has memories of his parents but she??! She had nothing but their names. Danny was very sad for his sister.

" I heard both of you siblings." Reben said.

" Very well. Now get lost." Claire said.

" There is no doubt that you are Chloe's daughter. She too hated me." Reben said and Claire's face lit up at once.

" Really??! What else she used to do?" She asked Reben and Reben started to tell her all the memories he has saved of Chloe in his memory cell to Claire. Danny sighed.

Claire slept after awhile and he picked her up in his arms and took her to her room. He made her lie down on the bed properly then removed her shoes before pulling the duvet on her. He kissed on her forehead then walked out of her room walking toward his room with a heavy heart.

The next morning, Claire was sitting in the backyard of the house lonely when Rafael came to play with Reben.

" Hello, Ms. Winsdor, are you a volcano today or your anger issue settled down a bit?" He asked and she glared at him. "Hmm...ready to erupt. Can be erupted any time now." He said and she gritted.

" What the hell is your problem?" Claire asked her.

" You are my problem." He said.

" What?!!" She asked and he rolled his eyes.

" You are sitting in the doorstep. How will someone walk inside?" He asked her.

" How will I know that?? Your problem you manage. Don't you dare to bother me. I will kill you." She said and he chuckled.

" Ok." He said before picking her up in his arms and made her sit on the ground then he walked inside. " I solved it." He said and she glared at him.

" You!!!!" She ran after him.

" Run, Raffy, run. The volcano is following you to erupt on you." He said mocking her and ran inside as she followed him.

Campbell's House
Melbourne, Australia
10:00 PM

She was looking at her husband who seems to be very disturbed today. It was really a matter of fact that Flynn Campbell was worried about something.

" What happened?" Stella asked Flynn. He sighed deeply.

" It is a second mistake of my life. The biggest one. First one was leaving Hudson alive in the first place when I had a doubt that he can make a mess. In a result I had to lose my family members." He said and sighed.

" Now, here Matt and Chloe. I was sure that the accident took their lives. But I didn't investigate about it as I didn't want to remember it again and again that Matt wasn't in this world anymore. It wasn't easy for me at all." He said.

" I thought you are very strong and you can handle it alone." Stella said.

" I had to stay strong cause Danny was my responsibility then. I owe Matt a lot. I had to pay it back. But I think I really made a mistake as I didn't investigate about it well. I will do that soon. Very soon. If Matt and Chloe are alive I will bring them back even if they are in the worst hell." He said and she hugged him from back.

" I trust you." She said and kissed on his cheeks. " After all they are Flynn Campbell's words which are never ever going to go in vain." Stella said.

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