Not Sure

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Royal Palace
Stockholm, Sweden
07:00 PM

The Queen was sitting in her room tensed. There was a big mess. How will she handle this matter now?!! The invitation is sent already. This will be a big big mess if the wedding ceremony gets cancelled at the eleventh hour. What will she do now?!! She had already a conversation with King Charles and Queen Margaret. They were saying they don't know anything about Princess Giselle's sudden disappearing. It was too much for now to handle. Princess Giselle spoiled her plan completely. Stupid girl!!! She was pacing on the room. She has to think about something else otherwise her plans of all these days will get spoiled. She heard someone knocking on the door. She looked up and found Dr. Jensen standing there with one of the maids.

" May I come in, Your Highness?" Dr. Jensen asked her.

" Sure. Come in please." She said to her smilingly.

" I heard you haven't had anything till now after I left you in the breakfast table?!!" Dr. Jensen said  to her.

" I was a bit tensed today. You know. I mean Princess Giselle has eloped from the palace today." She said to Dr. Jensen.

" Your Highness, we can't force anyone to do anything. If she wasn't meant to be the King's wife then how would the wedding happen??! There is still something called fate. You have to trust on it. You or I or anyone can't change it. And she has ran away doesn't mean you have to starve yourself." Dr. Jensen said and gestured the maid to put the tray down that she was carrying.

" It made a huge problem here. You can't understand it." She said.

" I don't want to either. As you know that every problem has a solution. Just we are sometimes too scared about the problem that we fail to find out that the solution in before us." Dr. Jensen said and took the knife and fork before gesturing the Queen to open her mouth. The Queen chuckled.

" You think it's that easy?" The Queen asked as she started to eat.

" Umm.. I don't think it's easy. I didn't say that the solution will be easy. But that doesn't mean that there will be a problem without any solution. Every problem has a solution. We have to think about it." She said to the Queen and she chuckled looking at her. 

" I understand that." The Queen said.

" Don't starve yourself. It's very harmful for yourself. You haven't taken the medicines as well. It's not what you should do." Dr. Jensen said and she chuckled at this.

" I wish I had a daughter like you. I have no one to share this problem with." The Queen said.

" What about your son?" She asked her.

" I don't want to stress him more. He is already busy with handle the press and guests. You know when you are in a problem no one will help you to solve it. They will only stand there and watch what is going on there and poke their nose in your matter unnecessarily." The Queen said.

" Tell me if I can do anything to make you feel better? If I can do that I swear I will not disappoint you." Dr. Jensen said.

" Are you sure about it?" The Queen asked her.

" Yes. I will help you if that makes you feel better." Dr. Jensen said giving her the medicines. She took them.

" You don't have to do anything, Dr. Jensen. Your words helped me a lot." The Queen said and Serena smiled.

" Sleep then I will leave." Serena said sitting next to her.

" You should go and sleep as well." The Queen said and Serena chuckled.

" You sleep then I will go." Serena said.

The Queen closed her eyes and kept lying there without any movement. Serena left the room switching off the lights. Once she left the Queen sat on the bed once again. She wasn't able to sleep. This was a horrible problem. She looked at the wall and walked toward the wall where her wedding photos were stuck. She touched the photos.

" I miss you a lot, Philip. Don't you miss me?" She asked her husband looking at him on the photo holding her hand smiling at him. It was almost 30 years back. Still seems like it was yesterday that she got married. They lost their first child. Then they had their only son, Ivan. Then ... She lost him as well. She lost a lot.

" Look, where have you left me, Philip. Do I deserve to live in this mess?! Why did you leave me alone??! Just why?!" She asked him.

But he didn't answer him. She sighed deeply. She still remembers the day she lost him. Her son... She had no one but him. She heard a knock on the door.

" Who is there?" She asked wiping her tears.

" It's me Edith, Irene." She heard her sister in law's voice.

" Come in, Edith!!!" She said and sat on the couch. She found her son's secretary Bill was following Edith as well.

" Have a seat." She said to both of them. "Suddenly you guys are here?" She asked them.

" Irene, we have something if you see that then you will not really want Princess Giselle to be your daughter in law." Edith said to her.

" What is that?!" The Queen asked her and Bill gave her his phone.

" I am sorry, Your Highness. But it's for your son's good. I couldn't but reveal it." Bill said and she nodded. She checked the video and turned it off after a few seconds.

" Who have these to you?" The Queen asked Bill.

" Actually, Your Highness, Princess Giselle and Nolan used to go the bar where they had private room for their clients. But they used to put secret cameras on their private rooms to blackmail them later for money showing them. I think Princess Giselle eloped because they send it to the King yesterday as she denied to give them money." He said and the Queen nodded.

" I will talk to her parents. No need to talk about it to anyone else." The Queen said and they nodded.

" But what about the wedding?" Edith asked her.

" May be we will have to cancel it. No other option." The Queen said.

" I do have a suggestion, Irene." Edith said.

" What is that?" The Queen asked her.

" Dr. Jensen can replace Princess Giselle. She is thousands times more matured and beautiful than Princess Giselle." Edith and and Irene chuckled.

" I thought you don't like her." Irene said.

" I was blinded by that Giselle bi... Ok... No cursing. I was blinded by her." Edith said.

" Our words doesn't matter. Why will she agree with us to marry Ivan?" Irene asked them.

" She will listen to you definitely. If not then blackmail her emotionally." Edith said and Irene chuckled. For one second she found the little Edith who used to be so stubborn.

" Let's see if this works. I am not sure about it." The Queen said and they nodded.

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