He looked back giving the scared girl a comforting smile before opening the door stepping in, dragging kay with him.

Kays POV

He dragged my behind him walking into what I'm guessing the living room, before I could look around he pulled my with him into his room.

"I coulda just stayed outside you know?" I say in a duh tone

All he did was put his pointer finger to his mouth,
(He said 🤫 ok I'm sorry)

I just looked around the room well he packed a black backpack with clothes,

My eyes wondered the room it was filled with posters,clothes scattered, and empty cigarette packs. I mean for 15 he definitely has a problem. I continued my wonder when I stopped at a picture pinned to the wall, it was a picture of what looked like a baby Ruben and his mom?

"Is this your mom?" I whispered slowly holding onto the picture

He ran over pulling the picture off the wall sticking it into his pocket.

"Just sit" is all he said before walking back to his dresser.

I mouthed "sorry" Before sitting onto his bed, I layed back letting my legs dangle off well I closed my eyes

I'm so burnt out holy shit
I could just sleep right here

"I'll be right back just— stay here" is all he said before leaving the room closing the door behind him.

I didn't bother getting up,
I lauded there letting everything fade when I heard the door open.

"Ruby? Are you home?" I hear a little girl ask
I quickly sat up looking towards the door, a girl that looked around 8-9 stood there rubbing her eyes. She wore a long pink gown with lace around the bottom, she looked like Ruben.
Must be his little sister.

"Um I think he went to the bathroom" is all I said
She quickly looked up seeing me.

"Oh hello, are you Ruby's girlfriend?" She asked so sweetly

"Um no I'm his friend, my names kay" I say

She shut the door before making her way over the the bed sitting beside me.
"I'm Riley" she smiled.

"Nice to meet you Riley"I say smiling back.

"Your really pretty" she confesses looming up at me.

I just smile

The door opens revealing Ruben.
His face softened as he saw Riley

"I'm sorry Riley I didn't mean to wake you" he said apologizing.
"Imma go sleep over at jays house and I'll be back tomorrow ok?" He asked bending down in front of the girl.

She just smiled getting off the bed, kissing his cheek before walking out.

I stood up standing beside him
"Aweee rubyyy" day lusghing we'll pinching his cheeks

"Goddammit" is all he said well smiling pushing my hands away

"Cmon lets go" he said taking my hand walking out his room the the front door.


Me and Ruben took the bus back to my house, to tired to skate all the way back. He's been closer to me since we left his house, I'm not sure why.
I don't know maybe I'm over thinking everything.

(K but me)

We were in the living room watching the fresh prince of bell air.
Sitting on the couch across from each other, our legs tangled in the middle of the couch.
In comfortably silence I slowly drifted off,

1333 words 😴
I'm in Saskatchewan now literally 7 hours from home :(

Buttt I'm trying to write more but I have the attention span of a goldfish .)

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