Two years later

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Gajeel had never quite gotten over what happened that dreadful day. He finally found out that the woman he loves, loved him back before she died in his arms. Everyone felt bad for Gajeel. He hated it. He hated how they would sympathize him. It made him feel weak, he knew apart of him was missing that he could never get back. And one day he snapped. Just one comment. One little comment.

"It'll be okay man, you'll find someone else." That earned Natsu, the owner of the comment, a punch square in the face. Gajeel was livid. How dare he say that. He was so angry that he nearly beat Natsu in fight, until Natsu brought Gajeel back to reality telling him that this would just end the same way as last time. But Gajeel was still mad. How did he know it was gonna be okay?! Gajeel didn't want to find anyone else. He loved Levy but he knew he would never see her again, I mean she's been dead for two years. She's not coming back. Right?

Gajeel's P.O.V

I was mad at the Salamander. I was mad at everyone. I don't need their sympathy. I decided I needed a walk to cool off so I went to the best place I knew that I could calm down at, the waterfall. I come down here to train but sometimes I like to just swim in the pool underneath the waterfall or just sit by it and listen to the water. Its relaxing and reminds me of Levy.

I think I'll just take a swim today though. I stripped down to my boxers and jumped in. I swam back and fourth for ages but soon got bored, so I tried to see how long I could hold my breath underwater for. The first three tries I held my breath for just under a minute and a half. So this time I was determined to stay under for longer. I held my breath and dove back under, opening my eyes to see how long I could keep them open too. It was just coming up to a minute when I decided to look around under the water. All the rocks seemed to shine and the water was clearer under the surface. I could see everything. Even the tiny school of fish at one end of the pool. One minute fourty. I was about to swim back up to the surface when something beneath me caught my eye. I swam down to the bottom to find some sort of material trapped under a rock. I moved the rock out of the way and soon wished I hadn't. Laying there at the bottom of this damned pool was Levy's old favorite orange dress covered in small stones and dirt.

"What the hell-" I gurgled forgetting I was under water. I swam back up to the top needing air and practically threw myself out the water onto the grass. I spat out and coughed up water. My head started to spin and fill with questions. Why is her dress down there? Why here of all places!? How did it even get here in the first place?! I picked up my clothes and tried to stand up but failed and fell back down onto my hands and knees. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? Well I know the answer to that but still, I've changed haven't I? I promised I'd make things right. I d- my thoughts were cut off when I heard some russeling coming from the bushes on the other side of the pool to me. Normally I would just wait or fight whatever might have come to attack but today I really couldn't be bothered to. I quickly shuffle-crawled into the bushes on this side of the tiny pool and hid in them putting on my clothes in the process.

"Is this where she said they were?" A whispered voice asked, the owner of the voice stumbled out of the bushes and stood by the water.

"Yes. She said that they're in the water." Another voice whispered but this one sounded more masculine compared to the other which was more feminine, the owner of this voice stepped out into the open its clear now that he's a guy and the other one is a girl. But these people are strange. They seem to be wearing some kind of uniform? (Look at the media photo, my description isn't very clear.) They were wearing some kind of leotard type thing that was white with a tinge of gold on it here and there. It didn't look elastic, like you might think it would, but more scaley and seemed to have merged into their skin. It sort of faded into their skins at the bottom if their necks and at their wrists. Their shoes looked like long boots that stopped a couple of centermeters bellow their knees. The boots were white and lined in gold with a few patterns on the sides. They also had some kind of gold feather like spikes coming out the top of the foot, making their feet look like arrows or points. Then there was their helmets that looked too big for their heads and covered half their face so you could only see their mouths and cheeks. The helmet came down in a point in front of their faces so you couldn't see their nose or eyes. The helmet was also white with eccentric gold patterns on with one red gem sitting in the center at the front of the helmet. It had these wing like things coming out the sides of the helmet covering where their ears might be.

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