Amaya's Ending?

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The different storms of wind, sand and water came roaring towards the guild and its members. Time seemed to slow down for Levy, looking around, she saw her fellow guild mates dotted around everywhere getting ready or already standing in a fighting stance clearly preparing themselves of what was yet to come. Gajeel had somehow found his way infront of Levy protecting her from what ever kind of storm that Amaya was ready to throw at them. Levy looked at the back of his head, admiring his long, crazy, spiked hair, considering what she would do next. She never thought Amaya would be this powerful, though it was clear now through her multiple weather casts throw at Levy's beloved guild, she thought hard and quickly about what she could do. One idea kept playing threw her mind. So knew it was really the only option she had to stop Amaya. But. Was she willing to put Gajeel threw that trauma again? Could she really leave him again after how shook up he got the first time? No. She couldn't, but at the same time she had to do something.

Levy was caught up in her thoughts so much that she hadn't realized she had been trying to fend off one of the storms. After defeating one of the sand storms she was caught off guard by a water one. Crashing into her it threw her back a couple of feet causing her to topple over and hit the ground with a thud.

"Levy! Keep focused!" Gajeel shouted across to her trying to not let his worry slip into his voice.

Shahar, Zuzana and Nighug were still inside the guild unconscious. Levy looked over at Amaya who was cackling like a crazy person as she watched Fairy Tail slowly falling down around her. Levy kept battling the storms along side her friends and soon enough all the storms had been wiped out. Each guild member had multiple cuts across their bodies and some even had broken limbs from being thrown around by the storms. No one was injured too badly but some struggled to move more than others. Amaya stopped cackling and looked at them in disbelief.

"You should all be dead!" She spat and gritted her teeth. Levy glared at her. She looked like she wanted to rip Amaya's God damn throat out.

"We will never be taken down so easily by the likes of you. You should never underestimate Fairy Tail!" Levy yelled back earning multiple cheers in agreement from the rest of the guild.

"That's what you think, my dear sweet child, I still have one final trick up my sleeve!" She yelled and threw her arms up into the air. A huge source of magic began to swirl underneath her, "but you're right Levy. I shouldn't underestimate the power of Fairy Tail especially that of your beloved Master!" She scream in delight as the light above the guild was blocked out by a large shadow. Everyone turned around and gasped. Their own Master had turned against them. Towering over them in his giant like state. He began whacking members out of his way. Levy couldn't believe what was happening. Had Makarov really gone against his own guild? No this can't be right. Levy looked at him, noticing something was slightly off about him, his eyes had changed to a deep blood red colour full of hate and the need to kill. This was him but not the one they knew. He was being hypnotized. 

"He's being used!" Levy yelled out to everyone, "its not really him!"

"How the hell are we supposed to knock him down to size?!" Gajeel yelled over to her. She thought for a moment staring at Makarov intently as he kept swiping at his children. Then something clicked in her brain and she charged into action transforming into a giant much taller than Makarov.

"Master! You need to snap out if it! This isn't you!" Levy tried to reason with her Master but fail as he grabbed a hold of her leg and swung her around in the air before letting go. Levy used her wings to keep her from being thrown too far. She was angry now. Know one threw her! Especially not her Master! She flew at Makarov with lighting speed plumiting her foot into the back of his head causing him to face plant into the floor. She kept her foot firmly on the back of his head as he tried to riggled out from underneath her. He managed to grab Levy's arm and threw her of him but before she was completely off him she wrapped her tail around his wrist yanking him with her causing them to tumble into the town of Magnolia bringing the fight there. Makarov was first to stand back up eyeing the other giant in surprise.

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