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Two days and nothing had happened. Levy still got unbearable pains pretty much everywhere on/in her body. The whispering voice kept plaguing her mind, poisoning her with lies, making it hard to concentrate on anything apart from the horrible echoing of screams and shouts inside her head.

Her appearance looked physically tired and stressed. She had heavy bags under her eyes and her lips were crusted over and cracked. She looked painfully dehydrated. Her wings were stuck flat to her back and her tail hung droopily, constantly pointing to the floor. She had not left the guild since she had returned for fear of being spotted by the outside world. She's still a fairy after all. Nidhug, Shahar and Zuzana didn't look much better either. They looked completely drained but they were still in better condition then Levy was.

She sat at one of the guilds tables with her upper body sprawled across it.

Gajeel's P.O.V

It had been a couple of days since shrimp had those weird pains and was mumbling and shouting to herself about some 'Amaya' girl. The fairies seemed pretty freaked about it. I decided to stick to shrimp's side after that, not like I wasn't going to anyway after those two agonizingly painful years I had without her! When she said she was going to stay in the guild to keep a low profile I told her I'd stay with her, in case something happens, she protested, as usual, and told me she'd be fine but well let's just say I grabbed her and wouldn't let go until she got that I wasn't going anywhere. Gihi.

Today I found her practically laying on one of the guilds tables. I slowly walked over to her to find her muttering things to herself again.

"Yo Lev, you okay?" I asked leaning over the table so I could she her face.

"Mm? y-yeah...I'm fine.." She mumbled back sitting up straight but not making eye contact.

"You don't look fine." I told her, my voice accidentally filling with too much concern.

"I...its just...what if-"

"Levy," she looked at me then. "Don't worry, I'm sure we can reason with this 'Amaya' person and if not then . . . well you know what happens then, Gihi!" She giggled and stood up from her seat. She walked round the table and gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

"You're right. I guess I shouldn't be too worried, I mean we are Fairy Tail after all." She chuckled into my shirt. We stayed like that for a while until we heard yells and screams. We stopped hugging and looked behind us to see the three fairies colampsed on the floor groaning in pain. This can't be good.

Levy's P.O.V

After we heard the screams I stopped hapugging Gajeel and looked back to see Zuzanna, Nidhug and Shahar all on the floor crying out in pain.

"Guys!" I quickly yelled as I ran towards them.

"Levy don't-" Zuzana tried to say but was cut off by my own scream as a searing pain shot though my body and I too fell to the floor.

"Levy!" I heard Gajeel yell. Heavy footsteps following.

"Guys...w-whats going on..?" I sputtered as Gajeel held me close to him.

"We think i-its...aaaahh-" Shahar screamed again before he could finish.

"...its A-Amaya.." Nidhug whispered painfully.

"She's closer t-than b-before..." Zuzana mumbled clutching her stomach.

"..w-what!? You don't can't be....she...she wouldn't..." I couldn't say anymore. The pain racing though my body was too much.

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