The group of men started off the trip north of Fire Nation, inspecting the nearest Western Air Temple. Situated directly beneath the edge of a cliff, thus initially difficult for the crew to pinpoint the exact location.

While Iroh sincerely advised Zuko to take a break, for it had only been a week since his banishment, and his wounds have not quite properly healed yet. Instead of accepting the offer, the young prince silenced the general by calling him lazy; lashing out at the sudden reminder of his tarnished status. Turning his back to his uncle, Zuko refocused his gaze on the upside-down spires of the air temple, in order to distract himself from reminiscing his beloved homeland.

One after another, soldiers unanimously informed that there wasn't trace of the Avatar. To which Zuko responded by commanding the crew to return to ship at once, and set course for Earth Kingdom straightaway. Which resulted in a round of muffled complaints that the prince purposefully ignored.

From then on, Zuko and his men went on to scour the world. They entered Earth Kingdom territory a week later.

Successively, they visited the northern upper reaches of the nation, where the Northern Air Temple was located upon a snow-capped mountain. Afterwards, they journeyed south towards the Eastern Air Temple, which was housed on three separate mountains.

Iroh observed the divine structures, now remnants of the greatness it once was before. 100 years of war, and the Fire Nation still hadn't been satisfied. He suppressed a sigh at the devastating sight of men rummaging through sacred grounds, disrupting the solitude of the ancient architectures as they continued on this unlawful intrusion. The aging general couldn't help but feel guilty for being complicit in these wrongdoings.

Just as expected, nothing more was discovered besides debris after the conquests made over Air Nomads. Zuko remained stubbornly hopeful since he hadn't expected the centenarian airbender to linger on desolated premises awaiting an ambush.

Unfortunately, as time went by, the fruitless trip evidently began to take a toll on the crewmen.

They had now been at sea for more than seven weeks, and it was extremely hard to imagine any positive prospects for an ostracized thirteen-year-old prince to capture the master of all elements, who had been at large for decades. Iroh watched as his nephew grew more and more restless; some days he would not bother to speak unless it was information regarding the long-lost Avatar.

At first, Zuko messaged the Royal Palace frequently to give a general update on their search, especially whenever they finished thoroughly investigating obvious hiding places for the Avatar, such as the air temples.

But as of recent, whenever he sat down with scroll of paper neatly spread above his writing desk, he couldn't muster up the courage to relay the usual tedious information. Repetitive as it were, these letters back home were the only link the young prince had to his father. And now this devout act of fealty to his royal father was tainted by the overwhelming number of disappointing news. It was then did it finally dawn on Zuko that the longer he took to finish his mission, the weaker the connection with his home, his birthright and his very being.

He must capture the Avatar. By any means necessary.

 By any means necessary

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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