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(Dont play song until I say so)
L: well I'm engaged
A: woah nvm-
L: no no not like that I'm in a arranged marriage and the idiotic Andrew Davila is who I'm marrying
A: oh
L: yea
A: here
He hands me a drink
A: don't worry I didn't spike it
I laughed
L: what does spike mean
Alex laughed
Julian walked over to us
J: woah prep school girl where's your hot friend
L: Idk somewhere bac-
J: thanks bye
L: ok then
A: so are you even allowed out at this time of night
L: no not at all this was all's Sams idea
A: oh
Sam came back
S: Alex right
He nodded
Sam whispered in my ear
S: he's cute
I rolled my eyes
S: look you have a drink now actually take a sip of it
L: but-
A: nope you're drinking come one have fun it's a party haven't you ever been to one
L: a ballroom dance party
A: not what I meant
(Play song)
A: lets go dance
L: oh I dont re-
A: lets go
S: have fun I'm gonna go find his hot friend
Alex grabs me and lead me to where the music is
A: just vibe with the music it's not hard
I have to admit it was fun I didn't expect it to be Sam was right this isn't so bad
Next morning
I woke up in a different room
Sam was sleeping on the floor I was in a bed
I checked under the covers
L: okay clothes are still on
She groans
L: we're still at the party
S: oh cool
L: Sam our parents
She finally gets up
S: oh shit
I checked the time
L: Sam what did you do I'm in so much trouble
S: just say you spent the night at my house
L: you're not even at your house
We put our shoes on and walked out the room
I saw Alex Ans Julian sleeping on the living room floor
S: oh wait
She finds a napkin and a pen and wrote both of our numbers on it
L: what are you doing
S: what there cute
L: come on
As we were running out Alex was waking up I saw a glimpse of him before Sam and I ran out the door
Last night was fun but explaing this to my parents was gonna be hard
413 words

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