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Before the day of my wedding we did another dinner with the Davila's and Sam was thankfully there
S: so wedding day tomorrow
L: don't remind me
I say taking a sip of my champagne
Andrew came over sitting next to me
An: did you get rid of the degenerate... Alex right
L: I might Have to marry you tomorrow but I would appreciate if you just don't talk to me until the "i do's"
An: feisty just wait till the honeymoon I'll make you shut up then
He smirks
My eyes widen
Sam heard what he said And almost choked on her water
S: sorry
She said
My mother and father joined the table
M: lovely to see you again Andrew I'm sure you are prepared for tomorrow
My mother pats his shoulder
An: yes ma'am ofcourse I can't wait to Marry Lilith
He looks my way and smiles
And I give fake smile
Syd: dinner is coming out shortly
S: I miss drinking champagne thanks to Julian I can't
I laughed
L: just wait till the baby is born you won't be able to do anything
S: don't remind, don't get me wrong I'll love my little angel but mama needs to party
I laugh
Then two guys from one of the kitchen staff
Comes up to us with tray of champagne
But I was too busy looking at Sam to notice
?: more champagne ma'am
L: yes ofcourse
??: any for you ma'am
S: can't I'm pregnant
J: why did you say it like that
I looked up to see the guys were Julian and Alex
S: I didn't mean it like that but how did you get in here
A huge smile appeared on my face as I saw Alex's face smile at mine
He hands me a new glass of champagne
L: how did you get in here
I said whispering to make sure my parents didnt notice
A: snuck in found some extra staff uniforms
J: yea and here
He handed Sam a water bottle
S: thanks babe
An: uh yes I'll take another gla- well what do we have going on here
Our parents were to focused on there conversation they didn't even notice us
An: do you need the money that made Alex that your at you girlfriends dinner the night she marries her fiancé
I noticed Alex getting angry
I put my hand over Alex's
L:don't let him get to you
I take a glass of champagne off the tray and give it to Andrew and glare at him
L: here now shut up
I said to Andrew
Alex came down to my ear
A: bathroom five minutes
He smirks at me as him and Julian walk back inside
L: gosh he looks hot in a uniform
S: I know
L: what
S: I meant Julian no wonder he got me pregnant I'll let him do it all over again
L:ew sam
S: what
Five minutes later
I snuck off to the bathroom and as I opened the door Alex pulled me inside and kissed me
I used my free hand to lock the door
He lifted me onto the bathroom sink
A: see you with him... he's just such-
L: an asshole I know
He said looking down tracing shapes on my thighs
A: you're getting married tomorrow
L: I wish I wasn't
A: but you have to i know
I lift up his chin and kiss him
Now our foreheads are pressed together
L: i don't have to
He lightly laughed
A: don't give me up lil you have to
L: I'm 18 I don't have to say I do
He looks up at me
A: wdym
L: remember when you said we should just ran off somewhere
He nods
L: lets do it
A: but the wedding are you sure
L: I'm so sure.. just be outside my house by 5 with this
I hand him my car keys
he laughs lightly
A: what are you up to
L: you trust me?
He nods
L: my things are already packed for the honeymoon so we can just go on our own
A look of passion and hope appears on his face when he looked up at me
L: I want you not him
A: duh
I smile while lightly laughing
A: you sure about this Valentine
I nod
L: you and Julian take my car to one of your houses and keep it there until I call you tomorrow ok?
A: got it
He kisses me before helping me off the counter
A: see you then Valentine
I smile as I leave the bathroom to join the dinner again

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