Chapter 9

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"Goldie! Come on!" Glomgold whined. He rattled the handle of the locked bedroom door. Goldie had locked herself inside, not wanting to speak to him. "Goldie, I'll let yoo..." Glomgold tried to think of something to get her out. "I'll let yoo look at my glorious abs," he offered. She opened the door for a split second, giving him hope she had accepted. But then, to his surprise, she slapped him. Then she locked the door again.

Glomgold crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "Fine! Be that way! I'll win you over yet, Goldie!" Glomgold stepped to his living. Gene was there. "Did it not work out?" he smirked, knowing the answer. "Don't know why not. She just can see how great I am. But I'll convince her yet," Glomgold said. Gene just shut his eyes. All this drama was too much for him.

Glomgold jumped up, startling the genie. "Hey! What does Scrooge have that I don't?" he thought aloud. "Common sense?" Gene put in. "No, money!" Glomgold corrected. Gene deadpanned. "Aren't you the second richest duck in the world?" he questioned. "Yes, but Scroogie still has more money than me," Glomgold said. "So I should fake it to make it," he added, putting his hands on his hips. Gene raised an eyebrow. "Meaning?" he prompted. "Meaning, I'm ready to make my second wish. I wish I had a humongous fortress, full of deadly traps and heavily guarded to keep Scroogie out and Goldie in. That way, I can get rid of Scrooge while also looking incredibly rich to afford all that nonsense. Then Goldie will have to love me," he schemed.

"Alright whatever," Gene said, thinking that this man was stupid. "Shabooey!" he said, clapping his hands together. The ground began to shake. Goldie stepped out of her room. "What are you doing now, you idiot?" she said, hands on her hips. Glomgold grinned. His mansion was soon completely changed. It was a huge fortress that even the likes of Clan McDuck couldn't break into. Goldie gasped.

"What is this?" she said, once the magic had run its course. "Why, it's my super expensive, indestructible fortified mansion," Glomgold smiled. "And you wished for this why?" Goldie questioned. "To look big and bold, so now yoo'll fall madly in love," Glomgold explained. Goldie glared at him. "It's NOT happening! Get it through your thick skull!" she shouted at him.

Glomgold flared with anger. "Yoo know what? I am tired of yoor sass!" he said. He pulled out a remote and pressed a button on it. The button released one of his new traps, a cage onto Goldie. "Yoo can stay in there until yoo realize that yoo belong to me now," he said. Goldie crossed her arms and leaned up against the side of the cell. "Anything is better than being out there with you," she grumbled. "I heard that!" Glomgold snapped.

The triplets and Webby stood outside of Glomgold's house, which was now an impenetrable fortress. "How are we supposed to get in there!" Huey whined. Louie looked determined. "We have to if we want to get back my memories," he said. His brothers and friend nodded.

"Wait, shouldn't we tell a responsible adult what we're doing?" Huey suggested. Webby quickly texted someone on her phone. "I just told Donald where we're at," she said, waving her phone. "Do you think he'll worry about us?" Louie asked. "Eh, he doesn't seem like the worrying type," Dewey put in. Louie raised an eyebrow. "Really? Cause it seemed like-" "Jk, I'm just messing with you. Yeah, he's going to be worried," Dewey chuckled.

"Now, to adventure!" Dewey cheered. Just then, several weapons came from the walls. "Aw, phoey," they sighed in unison. As the weapons fired, the kids dodged it all. The boys were screaming.

Yay! I finally caught up to where I am on Fanfiction.Net! So the next update will take a bit longer since I haven't actually wrote it yet. But the finale is coming soon. So don't forget to tell me what you're eager to see in it. I'm really picky about finales and it can ruin a whole book for me (couch cough The Uglies series cough cough). So I am trying to make the best finale I can with your feedback! Don't hold anything back! Thanks for the support!

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