Quicker Than a Bunny, but Not Quite the Gingerbread Man

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July 1, 2015

(Somewhere between North and South Colonia)

“Well,” Jimmy sighed, “Happy July, I guess.”

The woman nodded.

“Nothing’s really ‘happy’ anymore, though, is it?”

She shook her head.

“Thought so.”

Still slightly hurt from two days ago, he stood up and quickly held his shoulder.

“Dammit,” he muttered under his breath.

The woman stood up as well and began walking north.

“You’re right. We should get going.”

He picked up his gun and followed her to a dirt road. After he took one step on the road, a car with a spider painted on the hood and five people in it sped by. Jimmy jumped backwards.

“What the hell was that?”

He shook his head and continued to follow the woman.

July 5, 2015

“I have a feeling he’s been here,” Gloria said as they passed a wrecked, abandoned house.

“Probably,” Christian replied, “but we need to keep moving.”

“Yea, I guess.”

The duo continued north.

July 8, 2015

(Somewhere in North Colonia)

Jimmy and the woman looked around the area as they walked past crumbling buildings.

“Where is that slippery bastard?” Jimmy whispered.

The woman looked up and pointed at a young man of about 15 years. He froze in place.

“There you are!”

The 15 year old ran as fast as he could behind a building. Jimmy chased after him but when he turned the corner, the 15 year old was gone.

“God dammit, Scott!”

Jimmy frantically looked around. Scott shot at Jimmy's heel, but it hit the ground near it. Jimmy slowly turned to face him, his cold gray eyes were staring into Scott's stern, deep blue eyes.

"You son of a bitch..." Jimmy growled.

Scott smirked. "I aim to please."

Jimmy's frown slowly twisted into a grin filled with glee, but his eyes revealed that he had a malicious act in mind. Scott's heart felt heavy as he figured out the deed that was to be done to him. His face turned soft and he was ready to break down.

"No...no...God no..." Scott muttered as tears began to roll down his face.

"Oh, dear Scott, you know you deserve it!" Jimmy laughed as he grabbed Scott's arm tightly.

Scott's face was red due to how much he's been crying. "P-please!" he sobbed, "Stay away! Leave me be!"

He thrashed around, trying to escape Jimmy's grasp, but he twisted his arm and he let out an ear-piercing scream. Jimmy's grin grew wider.

"I love it when you scream!" he cheered like a child, "Again! Again!"

He twisted Scott's arm further and another scream showed his suffering.

"Please, Saint Jimmy! Have mercy!" Scott screamed.

Jimmy's face grew serious at that remark and he let Scott fall to the ground. He was gasping for air.


"Oh, don't thank me just yet...." Jimmy muttered as he jerked Scott up forcefully from the ground. They ended up in a position like they were about to dance together.

"Do you know," Jimmy began, "the Dance of Death?"

Scott froze and his face turned white. Jimmy was not going to be merciful. "N...no..."

"You're about to learn it."

He dropped his gun and he pulled a knife from Scott's belt. His lips twisted into a malicious grin as he pressed to knife against his throat. He spun him around and cut an x into Scott’s back, chest, hands and feet. He picked up his gun again and shot both his legs and arms to make sure he couldn’t move. He threw Scott onto the ground.

“There. How’s that?”

Scott groaned.

“Good. That’s how bad it should feel…Wait!”

Jimmy put his foot on Scott’s back, took his arm, and started to pull it back. Once it had reached its limit, he began pulling it harder. Scott started screaming in agony. Jimmy maliciously grinned. Eventually, Scott’s arm snapped and he let out a cry.

“Oh don’t be such a crybaby. It can’t be that bad,” Jimmy teased.

He did the same with the rest of Scott’s limbs. Once done he kicked the bloody, broken Scott and left.

“Have fun.”

He turned to the woman.

“C’mon,” he said, “we’re going to Canadia next.”

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