Matters of the Heart

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A/N: I had this ready yesterday, but today's like July 31st so I decided to release it in memory of Harry 's birthday.

GIF: alayne on Tumblr

Votes, Comments, & Feedback appreciated!


"Where is she?"

Emma heard someone ask. Eyes still closed, she focused on the dull throbbing pain in her forehead. This sensation was familiar once again. She couldn't place where she was. It smelled like a hospital.

St. Mungos? Thinking to herself she opened her eyes to the high ceiling of the Hogwarts infirmary directly above her instead. She propped herself on her elbows and got up. Her eyes scanned the room and fell on the entrance where Madame Pomfrey stood talking to a shaggy looking man in hushed whispers.

The man looked even messier now as dirt coated his robes.

And exhausted.

The rest of the beds were occupied by other witches and wizards who had been injured more seriously in the war. She could only imagine what the Great Hall looked like with the rest tending to minor injuries. 

Which confused her since wondered what was wrong with her. Apart from the stitches, she felt in her head she did not appear to have any other grave injuries.

Poppy glanced over at Emma in the middle of their conversation making Remus turn and look at her as well. She seemed to be explaining something to him. Their eyes connected and she saw him grin and rush over.

"Be gentle now Remus, she's delicate." Poppy followed him to stand on the other side of her stretcher bed.

"How are you feeling?" he asked Emma caressing her face and placing a kiss on her forehead followed by a soft kiss on her lips. Relieved to see him uninjured, Emma kissed back eagerly. She held his hand in hers and kept it there for a few moments, hesitating to let go before shifting to accommodate him.

"Better," she admitted.

"Miss Warrington, I have a good mind to scold you for such reckless endangerment. You gave me a fright when I assessed your condition on the battlefield." The nurse looked angry, yet she had the soft maternal look in her eyes.

"What condition?" Emma gave them both a confused look making them share a look between them.

"Oh dear," she heard Poppy mutter at this revelation.

"Perhaps you should leave Remus, it's a private matter."

"No. It's our private matter," Remus told her. A look of realisation dawned on the nurse's face. She shooed Remus to get off the bed to give Emma more space instead which he did.

With a nervous sigh she took Emma's hand in hers and broke the news. 

"You're with child my dear."

Emma stilled in silence trying to process the words. No that couldn't be possible.

"That-that's impossible," she denied nervously snatching her hand back. She was about to refute further when the nurse gave her a stern look indicating how sure she was about the assessment that shut her up.

"We used protection every time," she tried to reason a few moments later. She threw a glance at Remus who looked warily at her. The gears started turning in her head. 

"It must have been one of the times I sneaked into your bunk," he tried to explain.

"You mean one of the many times you sneaked in to wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am me?" she accused him with a glare remembering her original tiff with her lover. Her fondness dissipated into worry over the news. She hadn't the first clue about doing this.

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