The older teen had shot to his feet, it took him a while to recognize Kaz, thanks to his recent tailoring, his uneven gate was what tipped him off. Vlam then turned his attention to Jesper. He didn't say anything, though it was clear he was confused.

"Here's the deal, Me and Jes are going to head to the western side of the building, this is where they are keeping Inej. Vlam, I want you to start a fire... the usual way." He went on to clarify, the last thing he needed was a Grisha slaver getting ahold of Vlam. 

"Keep the guards busy with the fire, but don't let them catch on to you, try to get them outside, shouldn't be too hard, they hold no loyalty." He turned to Jesper. "We're going after Inej. Don't get caught, once we find her, we get her out." Kaz kept his voice low.

Vlam gave a sharp nod, it was a habit he had yet to break from his time working in the library. He was determined, and he wasn't going to screw this up by letting the flames get out of control. 

Oiche was still studying Jesper, occasionally she'd glance at Kaz, then have a look of confusion, he still had the same scents as Dirtyhands, but didn't look like him. After a few moments of confusion, she always looked back to Jesper. Vlam hesitated before whispering out a question, "And once we get this Inej free, want me to burn this place to ash? Or just get out of here?"


Sybia would gaze at her sister's body. Why couldn't it have been me? Her thoughts would be interrupted by a small laugh to her left. She'd look to see who was there, she'd widen her eyes as she saw little Jinx playing with her hair. 

How is this even possible? The little Jinx would stare at her. Sybia blinked and then she was gone like she was imagining the whole thing. 

"I have nobody left now." She'd mumble to herself. She'd start to cry softly, not caring if the guards saw her.


Kwet watched the trio from afar, enjoying her caramels quietly. She knew a show was about to erupt, a show most likely ending in death and what now seemed to also be ash and smoke. What a show it will be.

"Get out of here." Kaz said, darkly. Leaving no room for argument, he nodded to them. 

"No mourners," he murmured, and without waiting for the response, he started toward the building, Jesper following. The guards didn't seem to notice the new people arriving, one grunted at Kaz 

"Who are you?" 

"Hired on more help," Kaz snapped back. The guard rolled his shoulders and let him and Jesper in, it wouldn't be a problem. They started toward the western side of the building. There were Grisha in cages, whimpering and dazed. Kaz steeled himself and hoped Jepser could do the same. 

The western building was split into two wings, and Kaz narrowed his eyes, gesturing for Jesper to take the one on the left. The fire should pull the guards away from the entrance, enough for Kaz, Jesper, and Inej to slip out. The plan was simple, go through all the cells, free Inej, head out to the front of the building.

Jesper wasn't sure who the person with the dog was, nor did he care at the moment... When Kaz mentioned 'start a fire' it had gotten Jesper's attention again. Ah... you're the one Jesper thought faintly, although turning his attention on Kaz's whereabouts and followed to the prior instructions. 

Once they had gotten past the guard, and Kaz gestured for Jesper to look down this corridor; Jesper's mind was set. Don't get caught, find Inej, don't get distracted. Jesper repeated to himself over and over again, and stick to the plan. 

Jesper straightened his posture, acting as if he belongs there, doing 'his job' while looking carefully, and thoroughly for the smaller Suli woman. Keeping a subtle hand on his revolvers hidden underneath the uniform, as well as listening for any commotion of panic to take place. hurry

Vlam knew the start to the morbid joke the Dregs sang to each other. He'd heard it often in his short time here. "No funerals." He murmured when the two younger teens vanished from his sight. Ordering Oiche to stay put, Vlam took off to find something he could use to light a fire, the 'Usual way'. Soon he found a lantern, which he was able to easily 'barrow' and return to Oiche. Lantern in hand, he was looking for a spot to manipulate the flames, but remain hidden. 

The roof was an obvious choice, but he wasn't the best climber, if anything he'd end up cracking his skull on the cobble roads. So, Vlam decided to climb anyway. He sent Oiche down a few alleyways, to keep her safe. 

Then started to climb, lantern gripped between his teeth. It was at the quickest pace he could go, often losing footholds and slipping. At one point he barely managed to save himself from the very fate of cracking his head on said cobble, with an old lantern post. He finally made it to the roof, after an embarrassingly long amount of time.

 Vlam chucked the lantern at the wall of the building Kaz and Jesper had entered. When it burst into flame, he quickly forced himself to focus on the flame, driving it up the wall and out. Gritting his teeth, he would not let this flame out of his control. When the guards inevitably rushed out, Vlam let the flames 'jump' at the guards, lighting boxes aflame. It was natural enough, and it kept the guards away from the fire.

Jason smiled as he watched Jesper walked down the row of cells.  He quietly and quickly pinned him to the nearest cell, holding a knife to his throat.

"Make any noise or movement and your dead."

Caught Off-guard and with a knife, to his throat, Jesper, sighed as a smile threatened to reach his face... only to mouth the word 'not even a little bit?' to the strange man pinning him... I could slowly try and reach my revolvers, Jesper thought, but he figured to see more of his 'opponent' before trying anything.

Jason chuckled and grabbed Jesper's revolvers, throwing them away. "Don't. Even. Think. About. It"

Jesper's jaw tightened as his main source of 'feeling safer was stripped from him but this odd man... but he held his tongue and instead pouted. When looking down Jesper saw the bar from one of the cells lose and made it look as if he tripped over his feet to knock it a little. As the man held his revolvers and knife to his throat. 

Hopefully, Kaz heard it... and I hope he found Inej. Jesper thought with his typical carefree smile on his face, still looking at the man before him. 

"Don't suppose I could have a name?" Jesper spoke softly in a near whisper so he hopefully wouldn't get the knife slashed across his throat.

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