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Inej heard the sound of familiar footsteps approaching her, the click of cane on the hardwood floor and instantly, it was clear. He was back. He was approaching.

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and wiped her sweaty hands on her pants. To say she was just nervous would be an understatement. As the footsteps came closer, something twisted inside her, as if her stomach was doing somersaults.

"It's just Kaz," she told herself, in an effort to calm that strange feeling. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and then, her eyes and the door opened simultaneously.

Kaz paused, frozen when he saw Inej for a moment. He slowly closed the door behind him and locked it, then turned around to her. His eyes quickly scanned over her for new scars or extreme changes.

"Evening, Captain Ghafa, what business?" Kaz rasped, the faintest smirk pulling at his lips.

Thankfully, his voice did not betray his heart which was thudding almost painfully in his chest, nor did it reveal how his mind raced with all the questions he wanted to ask, the things he wanted to tell her. He slowly started towards the desk, but his eyes did not leave Inej. As if looking away may cause her to disappear.

She was the Wraith, after all.

Kwet waited like an animal stalking its prey, peeking over at the sisters as she watched them talk about this Inej. She wondered why they were so keen on killing her, seemed to be someone close to Kaz. Maybe Sybia was set to kill Kaz, while the other, Inej. She still kept silent, still kept her scarred hands on her axes. She had unwrapped the bandages a few days ago; the burns were finally healed enough for her to wield her deadly weapons.

"Evening, Captain Ghafa, what business?" Kaz said with an all too familiar rasp. Inej took a sharp breath and hopped down.

"Evening, Mr. Brekker."

He was here, he was standing in front of her. After six months, he was finally-

Careful not to show more, she tried her best to keep the tornado of emotions to herself. She took a few steps forward, carefully observing him from head to toe. When no new injury came to her notice, her shoulders finally relaxed a bit. She walked up untill they were only few inches away from each other.

Looking into his deep, dark brown eyes, she asked, "How are you?" finally giving in to her emotions.

His smirk grew into a faint smile. "I'm alright." Better now.

He tilted his head, looking down into her eyes. She was close, and Kaz's heart briefly faltered when she stopped only a few inches away from him.

"What about you? How have the seas treated you?" he asked, his low rasp taking on a quieter edge, watching her face for any insight into her thoughts, her feelings.

It had been so long since he had seen her, he felt somewhat at a loss. He'd already discarded his gloves when he entered the room, and the extra vulnerability did nothing to help his nerves. He allowed himself to feel the warmth radiating off Inej, to take in a couple of deep breaths that helped stabilize him in reality. To help him focus on the present. His eyes trailed her silky, ink black hair coiled into its usual tight braid.

Inej noticed how Kaz's face softened, it had been so long since she had stared at that pale face, trying to read the thoughts, trying to understand the things he never said. She noticed how he took off his gloves and left them at the table near the door.

"I'm good, too. My Saints were with me all this while." That line did manage to steal a fine smile from him.

Not knowing what do to or what to say anymore, she just stayed there, looking up at him. His hands were so close and she so wanted to hold them. But would that be right? Did he change? Was he ready to let her in?

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