"Get your lazy ass, to bed. GOODNIGHT."

I slowly walked upstairs. I was tired af. And now my sister buggin' me on Summer Vacation...really though?

When I got to my room I immediately flopped on my bed. That's when my phone rang. My best friend Janae was calling me. Well, she's about my mom's age but she gets me so well.

"Hey girl!" Janae yells in my ear.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Nothing much, you?"

"Ugh, Rae made a "time machine" so she wants us to test it tomorrow morning."

"Lord, that child. Hey, if you see the younger version of me tell her I said NOT to have my tongue pierced at the age of 16, it will hurt like HELL. "

I laughed. "I'll keep that in mind! Anyways I'm tired so I'll talk to you tomorrow, if I live."

"Raven won't kill you, I promise! Goodnight(;"

I hanged up and fell asleep, without changing into my Pjs either cause I was tired AF.

(Next Morning)

I felt being tugged. 

"Hope! It's time to go, get ready."

"I WILL WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT DAMMIT." I yelled in her face.

"Damn I was tryna be nice."

"Alright, I'm up." I growled.

I wore a "Chale My Azonto Is Crazy" t-shirt, for my mothers nationality and my love for Azonto. Booty shorts, flip-flops and my hair was in a long ponytail.

I walked down to mom and dads room and knocked on the door.

"Yes baby?" They both said.

I ran up and hugged them both.

"Okay, so what did you do now?" Mom asked.

"Nothing, yet. But just to let you know...if I die. It's all Rae's fault. I'm gonna miss you Mommy! You too Daddy."

"Uh, are you okay? Robyn, this is not my child."

"Dad! I'm tryna be nice for once, that's something I got from you! But come to think of it..." I looked at him up and down. "Yeah mom, I'm Prod's child defiantly. Anywho, gonna miss yall. Love you both."

I blew them kisses and closed the door. That was easy. I prayed to God to make sure this Time Machine shit doesn't kill me.

I ran downstairs to the lab and saw Rae packing up stuff in her backpack. She wore a coca-cola t-shirt. Some sweats and flip-flops too. Her short hair was down straight.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

I nodded. "Let's do this."

We entered inside, and she pressed a few buttons. The ground started to shake and we were frightened.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I asked.


Then out of no where, this weird looking portal was floating in mid air. It was sucking everything in like a vacuum. I tried holding on to something, but that didn't work.


I said being sucked inside the portal. I heard Rae screaming so I assumed she was behind me.

THUD. We found ourselves on the ground. We looked around to see that the lab was gone. It looked like our attic upstairs.

I dusted myself off. "The only thing this stupid machine teleported us to our attic."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2012 ⏰

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