Amulet Love

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       "I LOVE YOU," these words were accompanied by the feeling of Hysho pressing something into the palm of my hand and curling my fingers about it. My exhausted mind struggled to stay conscious enough to comprehend what I held. With only feel to go by I ran my fingers across the smoothly polished stone. I felt the divot between the two rounded ends and the sharp point below it and knew it was a heart.

       Hysho loves you, too.. The words repeated themselves in my head and a different strength flowed from the deepest depths of my heart. The strength of love. I grasped the stone heart as tight as I could, even as I felt the perfectly polished point press through my skin. As if the stone were waiting for it, the strength of my love flowed into the stone, which burned white hot within my fist. At last, there was the strangest feeling within my chest. Almost as though a part of myself were separating from the rest. It travelled with the flow of my love to the stone and entered it, then passed through it. Brilliant green, indigo and violet gossamer strands formed a delicate string which wrapped about my hand, glowed crimson with the blood which resided there, then faded to the color of air.

       I kept my eyes open just long enough to watch the ruby stone float up and attach itself to Hysho's neck, where it gently rested in the hollow of his throat. With the tiniest of smiles and a happy sigh, my eyes drooped closed once more.

       I love you, too, I thought, just for myself as I slipped away from all consciousness.



       THE HEART BURNED my throat in a way that made me feel strong, sure, enriched, and truly loved. I could not express in full the ways it made me feel. I gripped Dezuche's fingers tightly as Driso, my faithful black stallion carried us up to the entrance of the castle and slowed to a stop at the base of the grand staircase to the Entrance Hall. Without a second to wait I leapt from the horse and swung Dezuche from his back bridal style and ran her up the steps, body fueled by adrenaline and some unspeakable energy which seemed to consume me. However as I stepped in the doors of the palace she gave a great shuddering gasp within my arms, and went still.

       I stopped, horrified, and dropped slowly to my knees, cradling her small frame, which felt like smooth porcelain in my hands, as fragile, too. Her eyelids fluttered the littlest bit and I knew she was still alive. Relief was short lived. How long would she be okay? What was wrong with her? Would the mediwomen be able to heal her from whatever was causing this?

       Involuntary tears fell from my eyes as I swept the tangles of fly away hair from Dezuche's face, praying to anyone who may possibly listening to please let her be alright.



       GLISTENING TEARS STREAMED from the ends of his long lashes, splashing trails of salty water down the perfect shape of her porcelain cheeks. Jealousy ripped through me. Who was this woman, and why was Hysho blubbering over her body like some child? Gritting my teeth I straightened my shoulders and held my head high as I took the last few steps up to Hysho's side, where a mediwoman was checking her vital signs. Ignoring both women I placed a hand on Hysho's shoulder. Slowly, he turned to look up at me, his face soaking wet and nose running, looking nothing to me like a noble prince should and I sneered.

       "We're late for dinner. Go get changed, your clothes are filthy and your face is a mess, we've important business to attend to." I gave him a hard glare, turned on my heel and stormed off.

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