Amulet Love

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       A FIERCE GROAN provided by the angry voice of the wind was accompanied by vicious slaps which forced my hair to attack my face and neck relentlessly. My heart and lungs beat their own tattoos within me, just as erratic as the air flow swirling about my body. Yet none of it was anywhere near as powerful as the storm of energy which was coursing through my veins, pouring from my very soul, right down my arm in a continuous stream and out my palm, where it was absorbed within a small emerald stone. I inhaled and exhaled deeply while slowing the flow of energy until it stopped completely. Then, my energy sapped for the time being, I slumped down and passed out. The emerald stone fell from my hand into the long, thick grass, only a single bright glint from the rays of sun above revealing its place.



AS I ARRIVED to the small clearing I first met Dezuche in I felt an unease settle over me. Something had happened here, something... powerful. I could feel a thickness to the air, a foreign sense. Where was Dezuche? I glanced quickly about and spotted her-- a limp form with wild onyx ringlets splayed about her face and shoulders in an unkempt disarray.

I hurried over to her prone form, an almost suffocating wave of fear coursing through me. There were many dangers within this forest, many a things could have happened to her. The fear was followed by guilt. After all, today I had been later than usual to meet with her, and had I not have taken extra time to show Lenu about the grounds before departing...

A shiver of resentment mixed in with my already erratic emotions as I thought of the woman my parents wished me to marry. Being Prince of The Sokyas, I had an image and duties to uphold, one of which was to marry a well off woman of my parents choice. That woman just happened to be Lenu, a rich, whiney woman who's had her every want and need handed to her without hesitation her entire life.

Now, I was her newest want, and of course her parents just had to make it so. My mother and father, having always held the Mahex family in high regard, immediately agreed and had all the preparations arranged. In fact, today was the last day I was supposed to be allowed to come here and see the woman I truly loved, a woman who would never be accepted by my family for reasons she could not control..



       SHINING WHITE MARBLE floors, quartz pillars raising high into the air, curving inward and splitting off into vein like designs to create an intricate dome made up the entrance of the palace I was, with luck, to soon call home. A satisfied smile graced my full, red lips. This place was far more exquisite than the manor I grew up in, the decour and plants and style of it all was so.. exotic, and unique. Something I believe myself to be, which is why I'm so loved and admired all throughout The Sokyas. Therefore it's only fitting, in my opinion, that Hysho and I be married. Who else, after all, truly deserved to someday run this city? I know only I have the proper vision for this place. I would rebuild every house and park and re-landscape all the open areas. Everything would be made fit for the best, and only those who could afford it could stay, and we would live in the laps of luxury. Those lesser than us would serve our every want and need and we would never have to worry about anything at all..

      My smile grew as I made my way up the marble staircase to the second floor, intended to head up to my room to shower and change. The royal dinner would be tonight, and our parents wished us to all gather and discuss Hysho's and my marriage. An uncontrollable feeling gripped my insides as I thought of all the riches and power I was about to have at my fingertips, and the myriad of possibilities which came with it..

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