Chapter 11: Life Is But A Dream

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Dipper POV:
I stare groggily at the ceiling. What happened? Why am I in my bed? Last time I remember being conscious, I was in Wendy's arms, so why am I in my bed? I look over to the clock. Nine thirty. She must of brought me to my room and put me in my bed, I conclude. I run my hand through my hair, and blink away the remnants of my sleep. I clumsily throw myself out of bed, and wade through the river haze from sleep. I splash water in my face, and I turn back to the room, realizing I forgot my hat. My eyes fall on a sheet of paper taped to the door. "Dear Dipper, sorry I can't make it to movie night tonight, maybe we can reschedule? I'll see you during work today, and maybe we can work something out. Later, Wendy." I don't remember having a movie night scheduled tonight, what is she talking about? I'll have to talk to her later and figure out what's going on. Wait, what if... No! It couldn't have been a dream! I wonder over to my bed, and I flop down. I stare at the ceiling, weighing the possibility of it being a dream. I suddenly punch the wall. No! Why won't this world give me a break?! Why must it be that every time that I want something the world doesn't let me have it? Mabel suddenly wakes up.
"What was that!?" She asks.
"I punched the wall..." I say. The last thing I want is to deal with Mabel right now.
"Why did you do that? I thought you'd be happy that Wendy's your girlfrie-"
"Will you stop teasing me!? I had a rough night, and I don't need your stupid teasing!"
"What are you talking about? Are you saying that everything that's happened over the last couple days didn't happen? You must've hit your head pretty hard or something, because you guys kissed, like, a lot last night. Tongue and everything!" She explains.
"But the note on the door..." I mumble, trying to make sense of things.
"What note?" She asks. I point to the door. She rolls out of bed, and scampers over to the door.
"Dipper, what are you talking about? It's Thursday, remember? You guys have movie nights every Monday and Thursday." She explains,
I suddenly remember. It's been four days.
"Then... Wendy... is my girlfriend?" I ask, suddenly getting excited.
"Yeah dude, remember? You kissed, with tongue, and like, cuddled, and it was flipping adorable!" She exclaims.
"Yes! It wasn't a dream!" I yell. I jump off my bed and hug Mabel. "Thank you so much Mabel!"
"Shh! You might wake Stan up!" She scolds. I don't care. Wendy is my girlfriend! These last couple days have been the best days of my life.
Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream...

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