Chapter Six: A Little More Can't Hurt...

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Mabel POV:
"Bye Guys!" I shout back. Grenda and Candy wave. I give them both a metal smile, and run off to home. It's quite dark out. I walk towards home, stumbling over the branches and bushes in my path. Suddenly, I hear sobbing. I walk towards the noise, the sobbing growing louder and louder as I get closer.
"He's just a kid... (Sob) he's too young, this won't work... I'm going to- hic-mess this up..." I hear, coming from a familiar voice.
"Wendy? " I call out.
"Mabel? What do you want... (Sob)" Wendy replies.
"Aw... Does someone have guy problems?" I tease.
"Well, there's this kid, and I really love him, but he's three years younger than I am..." she explains."and he's leaving soon, and I did something really embarrassing today, and I don't know if he still likes me (Hic)"
I walk over to her, and sit on a fallen log.
"Does is guy happen to have a name?" I ask. "All guys should have names." She hangs her head in shame, and she mumbles something under her breath. "I couldn't hear you!" I scoot closer to her, just barely close enough to hear her.
"Dipper..." She mumbles.
I gasp! The potion worked!
"Why don't we just go back to the shack for a little while?" I offer.
"Ok, but if I bump into him I'm leaving." She threatened. Oh, you won't want to, I thought. We walked through the dark, avoiding tripping over anything, as we crunched onward through the woods. After five minutes or so, I saw the broken letters of the mystery shack sign. We walked through the front door, and into the kitchen.
"Want some pop?" I asked.
"Sure," she replied. I grabbed a Pitt, and got out the leftover ingredients from the potion, mixed them up, and poured about a teaspoon into her pop.
"Here ya go!" I said happily. I gave her the pop and plopped down onto the couch. "What movie do you wanna watch?"
"Not quite but almost undead four?" She asked. I grabbed the movie and put it into the DVR. We got halfway through the movie, and Wendy was almost finished with the pop. Then, Dipper came downstairs.
"Wendy! Where have you been?" He asked. "I was worried something happened to you after I saw you weren't at the shack!" He told her. A devious grin came over her face.
"Oh, you didn't have to worry about me Dipper..." She strutted over to him, placing a hand on his face. "Can I stay over here again?" She asked suddenly, then hugs him.
"Sure, feel free to!" I said excitedly, but then I realized she had nowhere to sleep. "Where are you gunna sleep?" I asked.
"On the floor," she said. "One year, I forgot my sleeping bag when we went camping, so I'm fine with sleeping on the floor." Dipper puts a hand do his chin thoughtfully.
"Or, Mabel can just make a bed out of her sweaters," Dipper suggested. "And you can use the Panduck as a pillow."
"You're such a genius, Dipper!" Says Wendy. "Wanna go watch a movie downstairs?"
"Yeah!" I yell. We run downstairs to the living room, and we turn to the horror channel, the one with the good horror movies. We decided to watch "The Christmas Killer", which for some reason, was on in the middle of the summer. When we got to this part where the evil Santa ambushes one of the characters, and then kills him, Wendy squeals and scoots over and holds Dipper tightly, and the color in his cheeks make him look like a tomato. He hugs her back a little, and I can tell he's having a good time. When the movie ends, we go upstairs, get ready for bed, and I almost instantly fall asleep when I hit the bed.

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