Chapter two: awkward situations

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Dipper POV:
Oh man oh man oh man! Wendy was staying over tonight!? And she's sleeping in the same room as me!? What do I do what do I do what do I do! All I could do was sit there as the movie went on.
"Hey Wendy, How long is this movie?" I asked, trying not to sound nervous.
"I dunno, probably half an hour, Why, is something wrong?" She questioned.
"Um... No... N-nothing at all, don't worry about it... I'm totally fine, good, great, even!" I quickly shoveled a hand full of popcorn into my mouth, as I thought of the millions of ways I could botch this up. Snap out of it! I thought. She's just a girl... She's too old for me anyways. We already talked about this.
"Earth to Dipper! Earth to Dipper!" Wendy said. She started making alien noises.
"Uh, what? hehe... " I nervously laughed.
"I said, how much do you think this movie costs to produce?" She said.
"Well, judging on the fact that the lasers are just made of colored paper... And that the chainsaws are made of rubber... Three dollars." I guessed.
"Look at this! She hardly screams! She's like, ah... I'm totally getting scared... They pay the actors too much." Wendy exclaims.
"They probably don't get paid at all!" I joked, finally getting back into the swing of things. Wendy took a swig of her pop. I look over at her, her rosy cheeks, her beautiful red hair, cascading down her face... Snap out of it! We already talked about this, she's too old. Get over her Dipper! She takes another swig. Seemingly oblivious. Then she starts to get spacey, like she's somewhere else.
"Wendy, are you okay?" I ask. She rapidly blinks.
"Oh, what? Yeah, I'm good." She smiles at me. She still looks... Like she's in a dream. I take a hand full of popcorn and happily munch on, refocusing on the movie.
"Wendy, are you sure your okay?" I ask again.
"Yeah..." She sighs.
"Hey, do you wanna go to bed or something?" I push on. " you seem really out of it."
"Yeah... Why don't we go to bed," she yawns.
I run up the stairs, and I turn around. She looks like she's barely awake.
"I'll go get dressed in the room, and you can take the bathroom. Sound good?"
"You can take either, I just want to finish my pop quick." She yawns again.
"Okay," I say "but you look like your dead." I'm a little worried. She's usually pretty hyper, but she could've just had a rough day. I walk into the bathroom, and brush my teeth. I walk back into the room, and take off the vest and hat. I yawn quietly. I crawl into my bed, and fall asleep.

"AH!" I yelp. Right in front of my face, is a emerald eyed red head, staring right at me, laying on the edge of the bed.
"Hi Dippy!" She hugs me. Startled by the sudden sign of affection, I yelp again, and start squirming around.
"W-when did you get here!?" I exclaim.
"I couldn't sleep last night, so I came over to you," she replies. "Is there something wrong, Dippy?" She asks. She tilts her head sideways, kind of like a dog.
"Uh... No... Uh, I-I don't think so..." I stutter, bewildered. "Why do you keep calling me Dippy?" I ask.
"I dunno... You're cute, and Dippy sounds cute, so I started calling you Dippy..." She says, looking hurt.
"You mean that in like a 'you're cute, as a friend,' kind of way, right?" I say, getting a little nervous. She twirls her red locks around her finger, and bites her lip.
"I guess... Don't you like me?" She says, her lip quivering.
"Y-yeah, o-of course I do! But,-
"YAY!" She squeals. She hugs me
"W-Wendy... I can't breathe very well..." I wheeze , while she's crushing the life out of me.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" She squeals, right in my ear.
"Wendy!" I raise my voice. "I can't breathe!"
"Oh Dippy I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" She asks, as she suddenly lets go, afraid to hurt me any more. I take in a huge breath. I feel the oxygen seeping into my lungs.
"No," I smile. "Must've been your lumber jack strength." I joke, trying to make her feel better. I look up at her, while she releases a sigh of relief. She stares into my eyes, and it looks like she's boring into my soul. But I let her, as I nervously smile.
"So, what do you want to do...?" I ask awkwardly. I give her a toothy grin.
"This." She says, as she pulls my in, and kisses me right on the lips! My eyes shoot open. I freaked out, and I started to wave my arms around, very uncomfortably. I start trying to say something, but all that comes out is a gurgling noise, muffled by Wendy's lips. All that achieves is me opening my mouth, which is immediately invaded by Wendy's tongue. She lets go for a second, to take a breath.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

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