Chapter Nine: Broken Hearts

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Dipper POV:
As soon as I couldn't see her, I sat down on a branch and leaned against the tree. I wept, until I could weep no more. I'm breaking my own heart. I can't take her life away from her. I love her too much. I flipped through the journal to the love page. Mabel said it was page 23... 19, 20, 21, 22, 23! How to reverse the potion... The book says that you need something to lock it to the person effected by the potion, a brown mushroom, and something to tag it to the person that the lover is in love with. Stir till it turns into a brownish black liquid. I pulled a hair from my arm, and climbed down the tree carefully. I'm not as skilled as Wendy at climbing, but I made it down safely. I searched for the mushroom, until I could see the rays of daylight streaming over the horizon. This is pointless, I thought. I have to do this for Wendy. Then I noticed a brown speck, right next to my foot. I bent down to inspect it. It was the mushroom! I ran back to the shack, over the foot shaped tree, past the gnomes forest, all the way home. How was I going to get the item of Wendy's without her trying to undress me? I shuddered. What if she undressed too? I pushed the thought from my head. Suddenly, I tripped. I got up, and Mabel was staring right at me.
"So, whatcha doing?" She asked.
"Go away Mabel! I need to reverse the potion that YOU put on Wendy!" I shouted.
""Can I help?" She asked. I considered her offer. She could grab the hair...
"Um... Can you get me a bowl, a strand of Wendy's hair, and something to stir it with? That's all I need." I told her.
"Sure bro, and I'm sorry... I know how much you like her, I just wanted to help." She said.
"Awkward sibling hug?" She asked.
"Awkward sibling hug." I said, and we hugged.
"Ok bro, I gotta get the stuff you need!" And she ran off, leaving me alone. It was maybe an hour 'till she got back, and she handed me the stuff for the potion.
"Thanks Mabel, that's all I need. You can go if you want." I told her. She nodded and ran off into the woods. I mixed all of the ingredients, mashing until it was a gooey liquid. I ran to the house, towards Wendy's post at the register. She wasn't there. She was behind me, hugging the life out of me. She grabbed my hair, and she seemed to be sniffing it.
"I missed you." She mumbled into my hair. I shrugged her off.
"I need you to drink this." I told her.
"No! I know what that is, and you can't make me drink it. I don't want to feel any other way than I do now." She yelled.
"Fine," I said and I drank it, and faked swallowing it. I brought my lips to hers, I had to stand on a stool, and kissed her so passionately, not wanting it to end. She opened her mouth, and I opened mine, and the liquid rushed into her mouth. She gagged, and swallowed.
"Why Dipper?! I love you!" She yelled.
"I love you too, Wendy." And I let go. "But you deserve your own life." I got off the stool, and sat on it, waiting for the potion to effect her. She blinked a few times, and collapsed. I rushed up to catch her, but I forgot I was too small and was crushed under her. I was stuck there for fifteen minutes, And then she woke up.

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