Chapter 1

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When I woke up in the morning it was a normal Friday except us ninth graders at my school had the day off. So I decided to go to the barn that I rode at. I didn't have my own horse so I rode one of the lesson horses. Her name is Lucky she is 15.3" hands and she is also a thoroughbred.

When I went downstairs my mom was sitting on the couch with her computer in her lap. When I go down the hall way of my house I saw that she was looking up Walk This Way academy. "Why are you looking up walk this way academy?"

"Well Courtney you told me you checked it out on the website and I was just checking it out to see why you liked it so much"

"oh are you still going to bring me to the barn today?"

"Yah go get changed and ready to go so we can head out oh and one last thing don't put your riding clothes on today I talked with Karen and we decided that well .... you'll find out soon enough"

"Ok" I said wondering why she was being all weird and why she talked to my riding instructor. So I toke a quick shower and got changed and went downstairs. My mom was already dressed by the time I came down.

"Come on let's go we don't want to be late" my mom said.

"Ok, ok I'm coming What is the rush I have never seen you in this much of a hurry to get to the barn" I said while we were walking to the car a little loudly. But she did not answer me.

When we got there my mom jumped out of the car and started walking to the entrance of the barn and I started to follow. I didn't notice that Karen was standing in the doorway holding the leadline to a 16.4" hand appalossa that I have never seen before.

"Hey Karen who is this new guy?" l said.

"Whatever you want his name to be considering he is yours."

"What this is unbelievable" I was so excited.

" Me and your father were thinking about it and since your grades are so good and you have been working really hard around the barn and not just taking advantage of the stable hands and making them do all of your responsibility around here with a little help of Karen we got you this guy. Now what are you going to name him he is only 6 years old?"

"Spartan his new name is Spartan ." I gave Mom and Karen both a hug and grabbed Spartan from Karen and gave him a huge hug.

"We have another surprise for you but I will let your mom tell you."

"Ok you know when you asked me why I was looking at that website this morning? Well you have been accepted to Walk This Way academy?"

"Really!!!! This is amazing but how did I get accepted when I did not apply for it myself?"

"We did for you and they said that they wanted you there by tonight so we have to get your stuff and get going your father was able to get half the day off so he will be home by the time we get there lets get everything out of the barn and Spartan in the trailer."So I did what she said and packed up my saddle and all my pads and leg wraps and gear and the put Spartan in the trailer.

"I'm going to miss you Karen I will come visit every time I come home I promise but you have to come visit me as well"

" will do Courtney I'm going to miss you to." We said our goodbyes and left.

We got to my house and I ran inside and packed all of my stuff and put it all in the back of the truck with a little help from my dad. I did not want to have Spartan waiting in the back of the trailer so we left for the 5 hour journey as soon as I got done.

On the way there I realized that I was a week behind everyone else because I am just getting there today. So I will have double the homework. I did not to tell my parents what I had just remembered because I did not want to sound like I was going to be complaining about being accepted to the best school in the state.

(hey I just wanted to say thank you for reading and I'm planning on updating very soon so don't forget to follow, vote, and also comment about what you think so far thanks bye) :)

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