Chapter 13- Jordan

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Chase seems less agitated now than he was at school, and I have no idea why. I bump into him in the garage (it's entirely the box's fault), and he doesn't say anything. His expression is stone by the time we get back to Nate and Levi, which is shocking since his usual expression while in my presence is a venomous glare. I wonder what it is about school that turns him into Lord Pissypants- maybe that breakup with his girlfriend? But he's never had this much of a lack of hostility anytime I'm around him at school, so I have no idea. 

"I got you guys an X-Acto knife and a ruler so you can cut out the proper dimensions, and some paper and markers so you can make your sign eye-catching," Levi tells us with a smirk. 

"And we decided you can work over there, on the grass, so that you won't scratch or get marker on anything while you're making your sign," Nate says, pointing to Levi's yard. Lord Scowls-A-Lot scowls a little. 

"Why can't we work here, on the patio? It's not like we're going to scratch the concrete, and these are washable markers, so both of your excuses are completely invalid." 

"Okay, then how about this: go work on the grass because this is my house and we shouldn't have to babysit you," Levi says, giving him a hard look. He rolls his eyes and picks up the markers and X-Acto knife before starting towards the lawn. I follow him, carrying the box. 

He chooses a spot, and we both sit. He looks a little less un-venomous than he did a few moments ago, but I decide that's probably because we've been banished to the lawn rather than me. He doesn't look super comfortable as he shifts around, but I'm unbothered since I'm pretty used to grass (I play football. I'd probably live on a football field if I could).

"Alright, so how big are we going to make it?" I ask him, reaching for the X-Acto knife. He holds it out of my reach, raising his eyebrows. 

"Give me the box and I'll show you." 

"Uh, no." 

He sighs, looking at me with a patronizing expression. "I should have known you'd be difficult about this." 

"I'm pretty sure that if only one of us were being difficult about this, we wouldn't be at a standstill right now," I retort. 

"Yeah, but you're the impossible one. You're known for being difficult." 

"Only by you." 

"Incorrect, Werewolf." 

I narrow my eyes at the name and hold a hand out. "Just give me the X-Acto knife." 

"Or, you could give me the box, Were-" 

I grab his bicep and pull his arm towards me so I can take the X-Acto knife out of his hand. He releases it immediately, looking at me wide-eyed for a moment. I stare at him for a moment, fascinated by his reaction, before remembering to snatch up the X-Acto knife before he can. 

"Hey! Are you guys fighting already?" comes a shout from Nate, who's frowning at us. 

"Not anymore," I shout back to him, while Chase says, "Actually, Werewolf was the only one doing the fighting." 

Levi just gives him a flat look. "Chase, you do realize that we're not teachers and are extremely aware of the way you provoke him, right?" 

He makes a face and shoots me a glare. "What are you waiting for? Cut out the sign." 

"How big?" 

"This is why you should have let me do it." 

"No. Just tell me." 

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