Ryland's POV #1

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I was sitting on the kitchen counter when I see Nick walk in. Fuck. I've literally had the hugest crush on him since high school. It's been a long long time. And I still haven't told him.

When he saw me, he smiled and walked over to me.

"Sup, Ryland" He sat down beside me.

"Hi" I look down.

"Wanna make a TikTok?" I look at him and nod my head. He smiled and jumped off the counter. I follow him into the living room where there was a tripod. 

Before we start the TikTok, Tony walks in. He looked at me before he looked at Nick.

"Uhm, Nick. Can I talk to you?" Nick looked at Tony.

"Yeah. Let me and Ryland film this TikTok first. Just wait right there" Tony nods, leaning against the wall. And not taking his eyes off me?

Nick started the TikTok, and at the end of it, I smack his ass. Because we always play around like that. He tensed up and looked at Tony. Tony pushed himself off the wall and glared at me.

"What, we always do that?" Tony's eyes go wide and he sarcastically nodded his head, walking off.

Nick looked at me then started running after Tony.

"Tony, wait!" He turned the corner.

I shrug and walk off. 

I don't know what I did. We literally always do that. Even off camera.

I walk outside and stick my feet in the pool.

"Whatever you do, don't touch Nick in anyway" I turn my head and look at Dre.


"Just don't" I look at him and shake my head.

"Too late. Why?" He looked at me.

"Shit what'd you do?" I shrug.

"Nothing, just slap his ass. Like we always do" His eyes go wide.

"Did anyone see?" I look back at him.

"Yeah. Tony?" He shook his head and ran off.

What the fuck is going on?

~(Time Skip)~

I walk into Nick's room to see him sitting on his bed, crying.

"Nick. What happened?" He looked at me.

"N-nothing. Don't. Don't worry about it" I sit beside him on his bed and wrap my arms around him as he cried into my shoulder.

"Nick. You know you can tell me anything right?" He lifted his head up and looked at me.

"No I can't. Not this. I want to. I do. I just can't" I look into his eyes.

I can't help myself, anymore.

As I'm about to kiss him, the door opens. It was Dre.


Hello guys. Third chapter today. I am like rally proud of myself.




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