Stranger: I understand you do, but we already have four pups. My mum hasn't had any alpha pups. L

You: Great. H

You: So it's unlikely we ever will. H

Stranger: I'm sorry? L

Stranger: Jesus. We can try again if it'll make you happy. L

You: I just want a pup that's like me, Louis. H

You: I can't teach our pups the way I would an alpha pup. H

You: There's not much I can do for an omega pup at all except comfort them and show them what an alpha is supposed to be like. H

Stranger: You can teach them. Just because they're omegas doesn't mean that you can't teach them stuff. L

You: That's not how it's supposed to be, though. H

You: Being an alpha is providing and protecting. H

You: Being an omega is different. H

Stranger: Different? L

You: Yeah, different. H

Stranger: Do tell. L

You: Keeping house and taking care of the pups. H

You: Tending to your alpha. H

You: That's what you're supposed to do. I can't teach that. H

Stranger: Just because society dictates that doesn't mean that's what I have to do. L

You: I'm not saying you have to do it. Just that that's what's expected. H

You: I don't want them to become mated and not know how to care for their alpha. H

Stranger: Mm. I see. L

You: I feel like you're upset with me. H

Stranger: I'm not. Just drop it. L

You: You only tell me to drop it when you're upset. H

Stranger: Obviously I'm upset, Harry.

You: Why? H

Stranger: Because. Omegas don't have to care for their alpha. They don't have to keep the house and take care of the pups, but. Society says so. L

You: I know, Louis, I know that. H

You: I'm not saying that's what I want them to do. H

Stranger: It's not? L

You: No. I want them to do whatever they want. Be whoever they want. H

You: But, if one of them wants to be at home and simply care for their alpha, I want them to be prepared for it. H

Stranger: They will be prepared for it. If that's what they want, they'll learn it. But that doesn't mean you can't teach them stuff either. L

You: What could I possibly teach them? H

Stranger: What would you teach an alpha pup, Harry? L

You: The same stuff that I learned. H

You: How to be strong. Smart. Protective of your family. H

Stranger: Exactly. You can teach an omega that. L

You: It's not an omega's job to protect the family. H

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