Change (part 21)

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**present time
Betty: and that's my senior year story*laughs a little* it was hard and messy but it's changed how I look at things. Riverdale has changed that's for sure but you can't forget the bad because you lose the good. Everything happens for a reason, you have to believe that good will come. Thank you!
Principal WeatherBee: Let's give it up for our valedictorian Betty Cooper Blossom

Betty's POV: so let's get caught up to speed. Me and Veronica are now besties. She found out Archie was cheating and they broke up but hey. I got into my dream college and so did jug! Guess what, they are the same one, Yale. Jug has been the best, I'm even going to counseling. It's helped a lot and oh yeah. Cheryl got auntie to adopt me but since I didn't want to lose my last name I'm Cooper Blossom. Jug says one day I will be Cooper Jones, him and Cher argues about my last name

**that night
Cheryl: SENIORS RULE!!!!!!! Let's party
Toni*sees Betty and Jughead making out* Oh my god y'all get a room
Betty*pulls away and laughs* we're just having fun!
Jughead: yeah Toni besides already done got one
Toni: oh really
Jughead: yep
Toni: then why are y'all still here?
Betty:good point*gets up and pulls Jughead with her* we will see y'all tomorrow

**at the hotel
*jughead and Betty making out against the door
Jughead*trying to get the key in* aaah
Jughead*finally gets the key* yes!
Betty: what a victory*kisses him and slams the door behind them*
Jughead: I need to ask you something* jumps on bed*
Betty*gets beside him* what's up Juggie?
Jughead: so we're talking about getting engaged eventually, right
Betty: of course
Jughead: well *pulls out a ring* Betty Cooper Blossom will you be my wife?
Betty*happy tears* Juggie Yes
Jughead*puts the ring in her finger* it looks great*kisses her*
Betty*kisses him back*

Betty's POV: and that night was what would lead to be the greatest years of my life. Filled with joy, happiness, even sadness or anger. But that was the single moment I will remember forever

********************The End*********************

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