Change(part 5)

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Betty's POV: we got to the movies and Jug put his arm around me. I couldn't stop thinking about how he almost kissed me. It scared me at first but now I realized how much I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to be apart of his world. I would have done it right now but we were in public, what if someone from school was here? What would they say? I started to sink down into my seat and shake

Jughead: Betts you okay?
Betty: umm I'm fine
Jughead: now I know your not okay, what's wrong?
Betty: what if people from school are here?
Jughead: what's wrong with that? You don't wanna be seen with me
Betty*puts her hand in his face* it's not that at all it's just that if people see you with me, they will judge you. You don't need to be in my drama. I will just bring you down
Jughead: Betty your not gonna drag me down and I wanna be with you, we are gonna get through this together*leans in*

Betty's POV: I all I could think about is that he didn't deserve this but I couldn't help it

Betty*kisses him
Jughead*grabs the side of her face
Betty*pulls back and lays her head on his shoulder
Jughead: I really like you, like really
Betty: I like you too

Betty's POV: for the first time in a while I feel okay. I want this feeling to last but it won't, the date will end  and I will go back to my dreary life. I look at him and he smiles once again. My heart goes a flutter. It's the way he looks at me
*movie ends and Jughead walks her home
Jughead: Hey Betty I know it's our first date but would you like to be like my girlfriend?
Betty*kisses him*
Jughead and Betty*smile at eachother

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