One night, two mistakes

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Hazel's pov:

We walked down the dark sidewalks with only the flashlight of Noah's phone lighting the way, all I could hear is Noah's deep breath and the sound of cars that passed by

I felt uncomfortable by the quite so I decided to break it

"So uh...Betty is your girlfriend...?" I asked, he turned "...I wouldn't exactly say that, I mean she isn't really my type" he replied

We were in front of Betty's house at that point.

"then why bother asking her ou-" I said when I saw a COCKROACHE pass by

Let me tell you I am terrified from those things they look so scary the way they look and walk

I immediately grabbed his arm in fear squeezing it so tight!

"Oh crap!" I whispered so loud my lungs were about to explode!


I feel so embarrassed right now.

"Its ok, it's gone now, jeez" he said, but he didn't bother moving me away for some reason I could see a little grin on his face.

"Hazel?" I heard from behind me ofcourse, I recognized it was Andrew.

I turned around I looked at Noah's arm and then I let go of it quickly.

He knew, that's why he was grinning. Yeah no crap hazelton waters.

"It was a... cockroach" I said walking over to him, but he walked closer to Noah

"Why are you with this guy anyway?" He said looking back at me "we're-" I got cut off by Noah

"we're neighbors. I decided to help her with sneaking out, but I only just noticed she had a boyfriend who couldn't care less if she would make it or not"

Noah gave a cold face, Andrew on the other hand, well.. his face was ON FIRE!

"Why dont you stay away from my girlfriend from now on" and he grabbed my waist like I was his property.

and just as we walked away I saw Jessica the school journalist also Betty's best friend she was watching from the first floor window.

I got a little worried I mean she is worse than Lucy, all she spreads rumors about is date stories and how one is cheating on someone or someone broke up or hooked up

When we all sat down on the living rom coaches Noah and Betty ofcourse making out, and Lucy and maddy had just arrived, Jessica was on her phone.

"Hey bestie!!" Lucy said she came over to me and gave me tight hug and so did maddy except maddy's wasnt as tight.

These days I been noticing that maddy has been slipping away from the group sometimes i even think she doesn't want to be our friend.

"U look so cute!!" Lucy gave me a smile.

Veronica was studying for a pop quiz tomorrow at. shoo...


"Oh crap I totally forgot about school how on earth am I gonna wake up early if I dont get much sleep" I shouted "re-lax" said maddy

"dont be like that! you will wake up plus if you wanna go home early you can" she continued "who wants to play truth or dare!?"

"Sounds fun" said Betty as she finally got up "I'll get a bottle to spin" she came back with a glass bottle and we all sat down on the rug in a circle "I'll start!" said Jessica

She spun the bottle and we all watched closely as it was spinning, it finally landed on someone.

It was maddy.

"Truth.or.dare?" she said in a low scary voice.

"Dare" said maddy confidently

Ooo this is gonna get juicy!

"I dare you... to" she stopped and there was a big grin on her face

"Kiss andrew!"


Yep this is why I hate hanging out with people like them.

"Ok, well that's easy" she said as she turned to Andrew who was sitting next to her and leaned in.

I put my head down, dont blame me I cant handle seeing a nother girl kissing my boyfriend!

Especially if it's my bestfriend.

When she moved her head away I looked up and the first person I saw was Noah who was grinning at me I glared at him he chuckled softly

"My turn" Said Andrew

He spun the bottle and this time it landed on...


This is gonna be good.

"Thruth or dare?"

"Uh, dare" he said.

"I dare you to take three shots"

"That all?" He said as he got up and walked to the kitchen he pored the first shot

He drank the first one I could see in his face that he was used to i.

He drank the second, then third.

came back and spun the bottle it landed on him again "dare" he said

"You can't do that" said Betty

"fine, truth" he rolled his eyes.

His voice was very deep and husky but also attractive everything about this dude is attractive.

Stop it.

"Are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?" She asked in a confident voice.

Ohh crap she wasnt gonna be so confident after she hears his answer, how do I know? Well I guess I know how much of a heartbreaker he is, but I think hes also an honest person.

"No" he was speaking so coldly it sent a shiver down my spine.

"Ouch" said maddy.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now!" She yelled.

a car pulled up it was her brother apparently Hes in college

When he walked in Noah got up and said "hes wasted" every one got up to leave.

I froze.

He walked over to me. I was shivering. He had this lustful scary expression on his face as he walked towards almost falling and knocking a vase in the process "Hey beautiful"

He was walking like a zombie.

"Wha-I- I stepped back

"Hazel!!" Lucy called, I saw Noah run toward me.

"You wanna go-to eh- my room" he said.

I was terrified, Noah came and grabbed me by the hand and dragged me outside.

Noah to the rescue!

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Love y'all!

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