•Chapter Two, Just, 'Best Friends'?•

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(A/N: the picture above ^^ is one I'm using as a reference to show how Suga is latching onto Daichi.)

{Suga's POV}
I opened my eyes slowly, a little confused, a smell hit me instantly. Daichi's cologne. I opened my eyes more and after I felt my surroundings, it clicked. Daichi had slept with me. I slept with Daichi. We slept together last night.

I felt my face heat up at the same time as I felt some movement. I looked up and got stuck in his eyes, they were so beautiful. They held a shine that claimed my heart without even trying.

"Morning Suga." Daichi chuckled softly.

"Morning.." I mumbled, I liked the warmth so much I couldn't fight against it, so I snuggled back into him. I remember hearing another soft chuckle, and when Daichi spoke, his voice really did sound like honey. So sweet. So smooth.


I nodded, not even wanting to speak. I still felt exhausted and this felt great, the warmth coming from Daichi was so welcoming I couldn't deny it.

"Come on, I should get up and make br-"
I cut him off, not gonna happen.
"-shhh.. sleepy time first.." I'm surprised I managed to speak, I can barely keep my eyes open still. I heard a soft laugh, I would've laughed with him but I couldn't, just five more minutes..

"Alright, but only five more minutes."

Huh? Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud but at least I've got more time. More time with Daichi, my 'crush'. I've always felt weird calling him that, because it's not just a 'crush', I've fallen for him, I love him. I don't just like him. My feelings are so much more.. not that he'd ever know that though..

"What was that, Suga? You're mumbling."

"N-Nothing.. it's nothing."

"Mm, alright, if you say so."

I want to tell him, I really do, but the one thing that scares me more than being alone is losing what we have. Daichi means the world to me, and losing him.. losing him would be the end of me. I'm only myself because of him, and if he wasn't in my life, my whole world would start crumbling down. All before my very eyes. But that'll never happen.. right..?

{3rd POV}
After that supposed 'five more minutes' which ended up a few more hours thanks to Suga, the two had finally gotten up again, this time around noon. Daichi suggested going out for lunch, he claimed it would be his treat. Suga denied as he didn't want for it to be a bother but Daichi insisted, and let me tell you, he was quite persistent. After a bit of playful arguing back and forth, Daichi had convinced Suga to let him take him out to lunch. They just had to do one small thing first..

{Suga's POV}
I can't believe I gave in, again! I really just can't say no to Daichi, it's practically impossible. Stupid feelings, making me give in, I know that's what it is! But, whatever.. I should focus on getting something to wear since I'm pretty sure Daichi's waiting on me. I think? I decided on black jeans, a white t-shirt and a pastel, sky blue, sweater. It was really comfy and my positivity was through the roof with it! So it's perfect!

After getting dressed, I left my room and started looking around, where was Daichi?

I headed down the hall a little more to the guest room and seen the door slightly open, I heard some shuffling around and thought someone had gotten in the house, that was before I thought, Daichi.

I opened the door a little more and took a peak in, I'm not sure if it was a good idea or bad. Daichi was changing, in the middle of changing. I couldn't look away, I just couldn't. An unbelievable six pack.. and when he turned, I noticed his pants riding a little low.

I felt the blood rush to my face and acted in a split second as Daichi had looked up to the door, I quickly pulled my head back and stood outside of the room. That image replayed in my head, so low.. no, no wondering! I shook my head and took a breath, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to handle this, a whole week? How many more times could that happen in a week? Not that I didn't want it to- Kōshi stop it! Ugh.. I'm too gay for this..

{3rd POV}
Daichi had finished changing soon after Suga's little 'walk in', and after he did so, the two got their runners on and left. Daichi was simply taking Suga down to Ukai's store to get some meat buns, then they just planned to walk around. It was a good idea for quality time together, although, Daichi would soon find Suga could be too much to handle, in a good way..

{Daichi's POV}
We walked out of Coach Ukai's store, both of us with fresh meat buns. They made the day seem more 'normal'. I'm not sure how. Suga was looking better, he wasn't as pale, didn't look as tired, was cheery as usual. It put a smile on my face, he always managed to put a smile on my face.

As we were walking, I was snapped out of my mind when Suga gasped and grabbed a hold of my hand tight, I have no doubt he didn't notice.


I looked over to where he pointed, it was a few rabbits at the park, a mother and her children it seemed. There were four total. I looked at Suga to see stars in his eyes, I couldn't help but chuckle. He's adorable. I almost can't handle it.

"Come on, I wanna get a picture!"

And the next thing I knew, Suga pretty much dragged me over to the park, but not too close so that it'd scare the rabbits off. I laughed as he kneeled down to take a good picture of the rabbits, once he had, Suga stood right back up, practically jumping, and showed me the photo. He had a child's nature, he could be mature yes but there's an inner child in everyone.

"Look, Daichi, look!"

I couldn't help my smile as I looked at the photo, they all looked so adorable, but Suga looked cuter.

"They're adorable Suga." I chuckled.

As if he hadn't been cute enough, it didn't end there. Suga then 'dragged' me over to a swing set and let go of my hand, I wasn't too happy about that but, oh well. He took a seat on one of the swings, then I took a seat on the one next to him. He started to swing slowly, and I joined in with a soft smile. His was rather bright, it was a beautiful sight. Suga himself was a beautiful sight, everything about him was all I ever wanted and more. I really want him to know, I do, but it might mess things up between us and I can't do that, I need Suga more than he'll ever kn-

"Daichi, you okay? You look a little lost." He chuckled softly and my heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just got some things on my mind is all." I let out a small, soft sigh.

"Wellll, what's on your mind, hm? Come on, you can tell me!" His smile made my heart flutter and I knew more than ever right then, I fell hard, fell for him. Sugawara Kōshi.

"I've just got some feelings on my mind, strong feelings and they're messing me up. Playing with my heart. It's slightly.. painful, having to keep them quiet, but it's for the better, you know?"

"I can get that.. yeah, but if they're painful, you should let them out no matter the consequences. It'll hurt more to keep things in, I can promise you that. So, just let them out, okay? When you're ready." He smiled a soft smile and put a hand on my shoulder, I couldn't help but smile in return.

I calmed, my expression had too and I held that smile high. I still felt like I shouldn't tell him, but maybe, just maybe, things will work out..

"I'll take your advice on that Suga, thanks. It means a lot." The stress of my feelings for him have been driving me crazy, and yet it only took one little piece of advice to calm me down.

"No worries, you're my best friend, I'm always here to help!"

I nodded in response.

Best friends, a certain question remained in my mind that pains me with every passing second, would we ever be more than just best friends?

Word Count: 1519 Words

A/N; I had to get a cute Suga moment in there and I tried, I hope it was okay. I laughed way too much writing 'Ugh.. I'm too gay for this..'. The line made me laugh way too much for no reason, I couldn't help it. Later dudes~ ✌️

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