Chapter Fourteen

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"The Lombaxes are in trouble," Clank informed him. "Let's go!" 


Clank, Ratchet, and Qwark fight through more bots and meet up with Talwyn after a short distance, dealing with the second out of five of the traitor team members.


"Ratchet! Nice to have you back!" chuckled Talwyn.

"Please tell me she's the real Talwyn," whispered Ratchet.

"What?" questioned Talwyn.

"Another long story," explained Clank. "But don't worry, Ratchet. I've already checked."

"Alright," sighed Ratchet. "What's the plan?"

"Well, the computer said the Serchias are being held prisoner here too," replied Clank.

"Serchias? Didn't they go bad?" quized Qwark.

"Long story," repeated Ratchet. "We'll free them and then take out Vorselon."

"Didn't you kill Vorselon?" asked Talwyn.

"I killed a different one," sighed Ratchet. "We don't have time for questions. Gavin has almost all the Lombaxes!"

"I am so confused," muttered Qwark.

"Not to mention, we have large Technomites robot guards to deal with before we can free the Serchias," added Clank.

Talwyn looked like she was about to ask another question, but stopped. "You know what, I'll just go along with it."


Ratchet, Clank, Talwyn, and Qwark fight through some more bots and the third out of five of the traitor team members and several big Technomites bots. They free the Serchias and stop outside the room where the Lombaxes were held. 


"I think we're too late. Kaden is gone," whispered Clank. "And that glass container is full of Lombax prisoners."

"He's got them all," groaned Ratchet.

"We can still free them," insisted Talwyn.

"He placed a frequency alterer in all of their heads," Ratchet pointed out. "They can't escape until we destroy the signal. And to do that, we need to destroy the transmitter that keeps it linked, and then take out Vorselon since he's the sender, then the cage that's holding them and the machine that brought them here. In that order."

"That's should do it," agreed Clank.

"How do we take out the transmitter?" asked Talwyn.

"I think we can take care of that," answered a Serchia, who was their leader. "We may not be as skilled as some when it comes to technology. But we can take down the signal transmitter."

"Great, Qwark, go with them," ordered Ratchet. "Clank and I will keep Vorselon busy. Talwyn, get into a computer and send the Serchias the transmitter's location. Once that's done, signal me and open the cage door to let the Lombaxes out."

Everyone rushed to do as they were told.

Ratchet hoisted Clank on his back and opened the door to the room Vorselon was in.

"Hey, frog face!" Ratchet yelled.

Vorselon, who was teasing a gray, girl Lombax with red stripes, not much younger than Ratchet, glanced up.

"I'm not that easy to get rid of," challenged Ratchet.

Several of the Lombaxes began whispering, trying to figure out who Ratchet was.

"How did you escape?" asked Gavin.

"You're not dealing with just any Lombax," laughed Ratchet. "With Clank, I can take anyone on. Including you."

An older female Lombax with black stripes on red fur suddenly gasped. "Your Kaden Stolar's son, Adlai!"

Ratchet cocked his head slightly. Adlai was his real name?

"I'm going to kill you," growled Vorselon, grabbing a huge, Technomite gun.

"Uh oh," groaned Ratchet. He jumped out of the way as Vorselon pulled the trigger. Time for a goose chase.

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