29: Bed

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(Question: Do you imagine Chaeyoung in long hair or short hair when reading a chapter about her? I imagine her in long hair, with her hair color either black or her color up in the picture above. Anyways, enjoy!)

Yesterday, after me and Dahyun had our lunch, we went back to the dorm and spent more time together in my room. We watched a couple movies on my laptop with popcorn beside us and snuggled together on my bed. Our day ended after dinner and Chaeyoung wanted to spend the night together in my room just like the other girls.

Last night, all she was doing was drawing and asking me the dumb questions she had in her head. Even when I'm trying to sleep, Chaeyoung continued to ask questions. Eventually, I just ignored her and fell asleep while she entertained herself with her drawings.

But right now, I'm just dreaming. Again, nothing too crazy. I'm just sitting in the cafe shop that's across the street, sipping on some coffee and making music. It's been a while since I made a song, I should probably make one soon. But the girls are always wanting to hang out with me that I don't get time to make music. But I'm not complaining, I love hanging out with the girls, especially now that they are all my girlfriends.

Anyways, it's the next day and I woke up from my sleep. Nothing woke me up like the other times, I just woke up on my own.

You: (Deep inhale) (Deep exhale) Mmm....

When I woke up from my sleep, I can see and feel that Chaeyoung is literally lying on top of me. Her body is directly on mine, her face buried into my neck, her arms wrapped around my neck and I can hear her cute soft snores. I didn't mind this, I felt really comfortable. She wasn't heavy either so it wasn't like she was making it hard to breathe.

I checked the time and it was 10:00am. I bet the others are awake right now, in the kitchen, waiting for breakfast to be made. I don't know what me and Chaeyoung will do today, but I'll probably find out later on.

I yawned, stretched and rubbed my eyes. My movements woke up Chaeyoung and she did the same thing. When we both rested from our stretching, I kissed her cheek and pulled her closer to my body.

You: Good morning Chaeyoung...

Chaeyoung: mmm... morning...

She says with her face still buried in my neck. Chaeyoung loves to be in her bed. She sleeps the most in Twice and probably the longest. I bet right now she's trying go back to sleep.

You: What do you want to do today?

Chaeyoung: ...nothing...

You: Nothing?

Chaeyoung: Mhmm...

You: You sure? This is our day together, we could do something fun.

Chaeyoung: I just want to stay in your bed all day with you...

You: (Chuckle) So we're just going to spend another day in bed like last time? This time instead of your bed, it'll be on mine?

Chaeyoung: Yeah... That sounds nice...

You: Hehe, alright Chaeyoung... Will you get off of me please? I want to get up.

Chaeyoung: (Sigh) Okay...

Chaeyoung let go of me and rolled off of me. She rolled to the inside of the bed, letting me get up and look at her. Her eyes were closed and it seems like she's going back to sleep. I grab the blanket and put it over Chaeyoung. I gave her a kiss on her forehead before turning around and getting my clothes from my drawer. Since I'm not going out today, I'm not going to dress up in jeans and a jacket. I'll go ahead and wear shorts and a T-shirt today, like what I usually wear to bed.

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