25: (Cup)Cake

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Last night, after dinner, we came back into the dorm and I went into my room. The dinner was already giving me a food coma, so I wanted to go to sleep. Momo tried to come to my room with me to get her "dessert" but Sana stopped her since it was her turn to sleep with me for tonight.

We both lied down on my bed and snuggled close to each other. She rested her head on my chest and hugged my body as I just put my arm around her and pulled her as close to me as possible. As we would cuddle closer to each other, my space would only be filled with her scent. Even if I turned away, her scent would still be in my bubble.

Sana's scent was really different from the others. The girls had a mature, natural, normal smell to them. Yeah, they would sometimes put perfume on but it wasn't sweet, it would just smell good. However, Sana puts on a different kind of perfume. She has a candy like scent to her, something like Cotton Candy. It didn't bother me though, her scent wasn't too strong to where I hate it, it's just a scent that would match Sana a lot.

I kept that to myself when we were cuddling but Sana said that I smelled super good and never wanted to leave me so that my scent will always be with her. I thought that was cute and it made me feel more confident in myself when she said I smelled good.

But anyways, that was last night. As of right now, I'm having another dream. One where I'm eating with Sana, we're having a picnic at a park but it's just the two of us here. No kids were playing, no dogs running around, no one else having a picnic, just me and Sana.

Currently, we just finished our sandwiches and put our trash in the picnic basket. Even though we were ready to get up and leave, we continued to relax and talk.

You: Hmm... You know what I want right now?

Sana: What cupcake? Is it me?

Sana smiled at me, crawled to me and sat down on my lap. She started to tracing her fingers on my chest.

Sana: You know~ Its only us two here~ If you want me badly, just say when and we'll do it~ Right here, right now.

She then wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. Even though this feels nice and I love kissing Sana, this is not what I wanted. I cupped her face and pushed her away from me.

Sana: Eh? What's wrong?

You: It's not you that I want right now.

Sana: Aww what?!

You: Sorry Sana.

Sana: Then what is it that you want?

You: Cake.

Sana: Cake?

You: Yup. I'm kind of craving for it.

Sana: Well, we can get cake later, right now I'm craving you~

Sana put her lips on my neck and started sucking.

You: (Sigh) Alright, do what you want.

As she was sucking on my neck and leaving marks on it, I hugged her waist and pulled her closer to me. A few seconds later, she started nibbling on my neck.

You: Careful, don't bite my skin off hehe.

I jokingly said but she just continues to nibble. Honestly, this is kind of relaxing. I closed my eyes and just relaxed as she continues to nibble my neck. I was about to drift to sleep, but suddenly, her nibbling was kind of hurting me.

You: Ow! Are you biting me?

She ignores me and keeps on biting me.

You: Ouch! Be careful with me please.

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