It had almost been a week. No water, no food, just a dim old light and a nasty, smelly room. To think Taehyung was in here for so long, he must have been scared out if his wits. And he hasn't woken up as yet, It's like he went into hibernation like a bear during winter. But in this case, it is to escape the pain. Just thinking about that makes my stomach churn. He slept just to escape pain? I asked myself before I heard the door slam open, that sound always gave me chills, because I know what's coming, It's like a signal to your brain, telling you to hurry and put up your guard and stay safe. Even if It's just a little. And so at that I hold Taehyung even tighter in my arms. As I watched the shilloute of a man figure walking towards us, moving so much as a snail, as his feets clicks the floor at each five minutes steps he takes. The second he doubly approach the lightning, my face formed an expression of confusion. This is not Chung-ho.

"Y-you? Who-are you?" My voice came out soft and senile, but the person didn't respond and continue to step even further towards us, the moment I saw his face even clearer; I was shock to the bones.

"Jeon-hoon. Why are? How did? What? But how?" I couldn't find the correct words. I should be delighted that he was here, but somehow my nerves was getting even worse than before. This guy had never failed to give off a eerie vibe, which is why I, even if I tried, I can not comprehend it enough to understand. The both of our eyes make four as we kept challenging each other with our stares. He was standing there, he didn't move, didn't smile, he didn't even blink. It was so awkward to see, I am so use to this image of him boasting off his ugly little smile; that this scene playing out infront of me was more scarier than him being serious for once.

"Jeonhoon, I don't want to accuse you of anything......But are you working with Chung-ho, did you plan this with him?" I asked, praying that he would say no. But this guy, it would be a miracle if he did. A miracle that he wasn't part of this facade. As much as I dislike his personality, I definetly most positively dislike his appearance right now. He didn't respond, and since he had came here, his expression did not change. Like a statue he stood there, watching me.

"Jeonhoon? Aren't you going to answer my question? Jungkook is-". I quickly became quite when he suddenly started to tremble, balling his hands tightly into a fist, his vein was popping from his neck right up to his face, his ears begin to become red and without any warning, he tackled me down to the floor, so fast like a jack rabbit infront of a passive fire. I didn't saw that one coming, but the moment it registered to me what had just happen, was the moment I felt a liquid damping my pants. I gulped a bit and gaze down to the spot. A feeling, almost upsetting past through my body, trumping any pain I felt. I didn't know what it was, but it was like my mind didn't pick up that I was just stabbed right in the legs. I sit there holding Taehyung in my arms, watching how the blood kept flooding from the wound, after a couple of minutes my breath begin to pick up speed and a sharp pain shot straight up my leg, it didn't even allow for me to cry. No, it was worse than that. I wanted it to just be gone, almost as if I wanted it to be gone altogether; if it meant getting rid of that pain.

Soon enough tears spring from my eyes, the pain intensifies almost making my whole foot go numb. He laugh and throw Taehyung away from me, my body felt so weak and my ears go dumb that I didn't saw and heard what he was doing.

"Y-you bitch! You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!" I shouted, the pain getting to me, I cried wishing it would stop, but It just get worse and worse, and my eyes was getting hazy from blood loss.

"You'll kill me" he said in a mocking tone, and snickered clapping his hands. "You'll kill me he said! Hahahahahaha, you disgusting man stealer, you deserve what you get, you deserve nothing but pain for what you put me through. Nothing.......But Mis-sery" he enunciated with tears from his eyes.

(JIKOOK) - THE HOT GUY AND METempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang