Adrien was showing the main court yard inside the school. "This is where most of the students hangout before school, then over here is the locker room..." he swept the camera around the inside of the school and entered the locker room.

Rows of green lockers lined the walls. Few student were here and there. Adrien explained the basic of the school as he read through the comments.

He's hot! I though he was a weirdo? Show us the bathroom. Are you single?

Ah yes the bathroom! Adrien smiled as he tried to ignore the now over a thousand people watching. He was just talking to Leon. Just talking to Leon. Yes his little brother.

Adrien walked up to the bathroom door.

Marinette stripped off her wet clothes

Adrien pointed his live camera at the door.

Marinette took off her undergarments.

Then the door open.

Millions of emotion fled through her head as Marinette was shocked to see Adrien standing in the door way. She ducked to cover her exposed body.

Embarrassment- that one of her classmates walked in on her changing.
Fear- that Adrien would laugh at her
Anger- that the lock didn't keep her protected
Hopelessness- that this was all her life was gonna be, misery.

Adrien shut the door quickly. Breathing heavily at the sight he just witnessed. Several feelings corsed through him.

Shame- that he saw such a comprising sight of Marinette.
Fear- that Marinette would be mad at him.
Modified- that this would only get worse.
Realization- that he was live the entire time.

Adrien felt paralyzed. What did he just do? This was horrible! So so horrible!!He looked at the comments

Please tell me somebody got a screenshot. Yes. YES. Ya multiple. She's so ugly.

He shut off the stream quickly. Fear corsed through his body, what was he gonna do? This was horrible!! What the hell was wrong with him!!!


Chat Noir vaulted through the paris night. He was going to talk to his Princess. He thought it only fair since this was all his fault.

The sky glowed a beautiful navy blue as stars lit the sky. Clouds covered the moon and it was a busier night than usual. Cars were bustling throughout the streets of Paris.

Chat landed softly on the balcony to Marinette's apartment. Her brushed his hair with his hand before turning open the door. He stepped inside and looked around.

The apartment wasn't  how it normally was, it was neat and tidy, don't get him wrong, it was clean but it wasn't necessary tidy. He wasn't sure that made sense as he thought about it but something was off...

Soft sob echoed from the bedroom and Chat crept closer to see what was wrong. What was he thinking of course he knew what was wrong!

Looking through the crack in the door, Chat saw Marinette curled in bed crying as she looked on her phone. Marinette had a hard day, today at school the picture were all anyone was talking about. Boys were hitting on her, girls were calling her a slut, someone even drew on her desk.

Chat pushed open the door and sat next to her, brushing her bangs out of her face. She shot up and looked at the superhero. Marinette's eyes shot open in surprise.

What was he doing here? "Princess are you okay?" He asked softly. Marinette wanted to fall into his leather arms, to let him hold her forever. It was just her luck to catch feeling for Paris's superhero, some guy who's identity, who he really is behind the mask, she didn't know.

But then she thought back to LadyLuck's words from the night before. Then cut him out of your life. You want him to be the hero we all want then leave him alone!!!! She was just a distraction.

Chat had a duty and she was getting the way... She didn't want him to leave, far from it but he has to save the city not spend time with her.

"Do I look okay?!" She snapped.

Chat softened his look and hugged her. "I heard about the pictures... I'm so so sorry..."

Marinette shoved him away from her. "You saw them?! Is that why you're here?!?!" She asked trying to sound angry. "What you thought 'Marinette has pictures all over the internet naked, maybe I can see for myself!?' Is that it?! You think I'm a slut like everyone else?!"

Chat Noir looked hurt. "No Princess I'd never I came to tell you that I lo-"

"SAVE IT FOR LADYLUCK!!!" She snapped. "Don't you try to tell some sob story to try to make me feel better!!!" Marinette looked into Chat Noir's hurt eyes. The sadness building in his emerald orbs was too much but Marinette had to end this no matter how much it hurt.

"YOU NEVER WANTED TO BE MY FRIEND, DID YOU?!?!" Marinette let the building up tears slide down her face. "I KNEW IT!!! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER TRUSTED YOU!!! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN YOUR FRIEND!!!!!" Marinette swallowed looking down and a whispered a lie for Chat to hear, "I should have never fell in love with you..."

Glancing up at Chat she found him turn away. He stood to his feet and walked to the bedroom door. Before he exited, Chat stopped. "I never faked being close to you, I never faked my feelings, or came here to hurt you, I came to tell you now matter what, no matter how far, no matter the height. If you fall, I will catch you, if your downing, I will pull you out..."

He turned back to look at her, wetness showing on his mask from crying. "...if you're lonely, I will love you. I would never harm you Marinette..."

Then he walked out her door, where he was supposed to never return. Plans changed.


Adrien was tired and hungry. He couldn't sleep after Marinette kicked him out of her life. Of course the most precious thing in his life left him, just his luck.

He sighed as he walked into school. He wasn't ready for the day. Skipping his locker Adrien was just focused on getting to class. As he walked by a group of guys one patted his shoulder. "Congrat Agreste!"

"Was she good?" Another asked laughing.

"Wha?" He asked confused. The boys moved along and then he realized they were referring to the pictures of Marinette. Oh no...

"Adrien~" a sing song voice said. He stiffened up. Lila... not now. "If I would have known you liked whores, I would have shown more skin..." she said licking her lip. Adrien gagged as he ignored her. How dare she call her a whore!

He couldn't put up with any more of this today... "Adrien!! You Pathetic piece of-" Nino started as Adrien just shot him and glare and walked straight passed him to the stairs.

He began climbing the steps when he heard a small voice. Tired of everyone else, Adrien spun around and before he could process who was in front of him yelled, "JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!!"

Marinette burst into tears and ran past him. Stunned for a moment, Adrien felt even more horrible. What the hell was wrong with him?...

Hours later Adrien found Marinette on the roof where she jumped...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thank you so much for reading!! Now you know his big mistake and most if not all the reason Marinette tried to die... but this isn't the end of the story because so much more is to be told...

Preview for next chapter

Nino gets a text from his favorite DJ, Alya makes a shocking change at school, and Chloe gives Marinette a gift...

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now