
The men turned around to see Allison, her blonde curls gone, now replaced with straight black hair with bangs. She wore a long black poncho with slits coming from the sleeve of the arms down to the floor. She had on black leather gloves that she wore over her hands and up past the crook of her elbow. She held her hands up in front of her as she stared down the three men.

"I heard a rumor that I blew your minds," her voice echoed through the air towards the men. The moment her words reached their ears, a blinding blue and pink light shined within their eyes as their minds literally exploded, the carnage landed on the ground around their bodies.

On the road behind Allison came rolling in another tank with ten marching soldiers in front of it, their arms carrying loaded machine guns.

About 10 yards away suddenly appeared Elaina out of nowhere, her arms by her side as she stood at the center of the road. She sported black pants with a tight black shirt and a black aviation-styled leather jacket. Her hair was no longer by her chin as it cascaded a good two inches past her shoulders. Elaina turned her palms over to face the approaching foe as a transparent purple disk formed under her, her eyes transitioned to a light purple as the disk slowly lifted her into the air. The troops and the tank came to a sporadic halt as they looked to her in mystified awe. Unnoticed by them, a wall made out of the same transparent material trailed after Elaina upwards towards the sky. She came to stop mid-air as she floated on top of her force field, the wall she created continued to rise past her, keeping the men's undivided attention. Once the wall reached the rooftop of the largest building nearby, it stopped.

Elaina looked down at them through her purple eyes before a small smirk crossed her face. She brought her hands up to her chest level, and with a battle cry, shoved the wall with all her might. The purple wall lurched forward at an alarming speed, running down anything that stood in it's way like a runaway train. Cars, overturned buses and soldiers that were in its war path got crushed by it, like a bug smashing into a car's window. The wall hit the tank, making it fly backwards. As soon as everyone and everything on the other side of it was pulverized, the wall slowly disappeared, leaving behind a flatten wreck. Elaina's disk slowly started to float back to the ground as she turned to look behind her.

Elaina's purple eyes landed on the familiar umbrella uniform as she saw that Five finally made it to the battle. His face held a look of astonishment as he looked at the changed appearances of his siblings as well as their new clearly developed abilities. They didn't look like that moments ago before they jumped time together in the Icarus Theater.

Elaina's feet touched the ground as her eyes changed back to brown. "Took you long enough!" she yelled as a soldier came running at her, she held her hand up and blocked his bullet as she flipped over him. A sharp purple saucer formed in her hand as she slashed it upwards towards the man's throat, slicing it open as he dropped to his knees.

Diego was on the other side of the road as he stood on top of a flipped over Dallas Police cruiser, surrounded by army men with their rifles pointed up at him. He sported black like everyone else, his hair mirrored Klaus - the fresh cut he usually wore now replaced with chin-length locks and a beard. As the soldiers released fire, Diego jumped as he side flipped off of the car, as he did, he used his manipulation abilities to alter the course of the bullets that were once aimed at him. They bent in the air around him as he landed on the ground, the bullets taking out the men that surrounded him.

"Five!" shouted Diego as he also saw that Five have arrived. "You sick son of a bitch, where the hell have you been?!"

Five made an attempt to run into the battle and help when a hand landed on his shoulder, stopping him. He looked up to see the hand's owner and saw a graying Hazel with glasses, still wearing his elastic wrist splint.

"If you wanna live, come with me," said Hazel, paraphrasing the Terminator as he held the time-traveling briefcase by his side.

"Hazel," breathed out Five as he looked at the destruction around him. "The hell's going on here?"

"There's no time to explain," said the aged man as he pointed his finger up towards the sky. "Those are nukes, old-timer." sure enough, white tails of approaching nukes filled the sky, only mere moments away from touching down to the ground.

"What about my family?" asked Five, his eyes looked over and landed on the girl in black as she fought feverishly beside his brothers and sisters.

"You can't save 'em if you're dead." reasoned Hazel.

Five tore his eyes away as he bit his lip and nodded. His arm reached out and grabbed Hazel's as the pair disappeared in a flash of blue.

The Hargreeves siblings that stayed behind grouped together after eliminating the last of the enemy, only to realize that, once again, they were too late. They stood together in unison as they watched the nukes descend from the sky and crash to the ground. A large explosion mushroomed in the air, the heat of the fire instantly warming their skin as they were momentarily blinded by the flash of light. The heat increased as the descended flames ran through the demolished streets, directly towards the path of the Umbrella Academy. The fire and destruction engulfed them, once again, taking out everything in sight.


Surprise! When I saw the opening scene... I just had too! If I have to merge it with the future chapter one or if I could just leave it as is, is a matter of time to tell. I wanted to give a little insight to the power ups I had in mind for Elaina. But did you see Klaus embracing his powers? I loved itttttt. One more day guys! I hope you guys liked this. :)

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