poem 4

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I ain't what you're use to,

I'm into things you wouldn't ever do.

We want something real that is true.

And i feel i'm gonna push you away because of my lust,

It's something I hate that I trust.

Let me try to explain it.

I got different sides and i hate it,

1 is hella sad Cause I'm tired of hurting really bad over things I once had.

The other side is angry and gets really mad.

And a side you found inside a side who just wanted love.

Then i got my lustful side that i try my best to hide 

But it makes its way to the surface, 

Lusting after things i know i shouldn't,

Like sharing your body like it's ok, and honestly it's not, in no way,

And I hate how I push and push and push till you start to push away.

I like you more than words can say, 

So tonight i'll go home and pray, 

Pray to give me strength to fight these urges in another way, 

cause i say im changing but my actions keep repeating, hating the fact these urges keep surfacing, I have issues i'll admit it, deleting apps just to download them and repeat it.

Sooo I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say....

I don't want you in my world, I wanna come to your world.

And make our own world, 

I found a angel I wanna hold when I'm feeling cold, and I refuse to stain your soul cause mine was sold,

Something is wrong in my brain, I play with sex like its just game, not even remembering half the girls that i slept withs name, 

I wanna change but for some reason I stay the same.

Driving myself insane, it's like I'm addicted to the pain.

And if i don't change, try to turn the page, ill lose you and i don't wanna see that, i wanna see your happiness but i been forged in the darkness, 

Where souls get lost, and morals get tossed.

I'll pray to God to help me win,

To break me free from my hardest sin.

Sex, cause if i don't I know whats to come next, scaring you off just like i did my ex.

And honestly your the best, you help put my fears go rest,

But none the less, this sins I feel im goin miss, so here I say fuck it im done with that life, 

Even if it cost me my life,

Cause when you smile,when we kiss,  when we cuddle, your love is what i miss.

And i refuse to let my past destroy a relationship i wanna last,

So to ever girl in the world you all can kiss my behind

Time to put that life all behind me, and finally see what's right in front of me,

Something so beautiful, so incredible,

And I hope you can forgive me for the last week or two and all the drama I put us through.

I just want you, just me and you, to be together like we used to, so Always and forever and i vow no more 

Cuz you i adore mi amor "My Love"

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