..He turns on his flash and walks towards the bed..

"Uh hello?" There was no response so he quietly exits his room to go down stairs to ask what was going on. "Um guys i have a problem. Some random ass dick is sleeping in MY bed and hes not waking up". They all look at eachother nods and then smirks. Zayn starts to talk but gets intrupted by Liam. "Dont worry bout it. Just go sleep. Hes not going to harm you. Hes actually really nice so just go and sleep in your bed." Louis nods and does what he was told. Not bothering the fact that he doesnt know this person, which was Harry. But Louis knew that it was safe, Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn never lies to eachother. Its a strong bond they have withe eachother. So he goes into the room and walks slowly to the bed side table that doesnt have anyone by it and puts the lamp on. He grabs the lamp and brings it over the see the face of the guy. Hes quite cute, Louis thinks. He justs hopes he doesnt jink himself by saying that he doesnt want to wake up with him standing next to him like a creep.

It goes by 1 hour and 30 minutes. Louis wakes up and he couldnt move. His chest was heavy. He looks down and realises that Harry, he doesnt know his name, is cuddling him. Harry has his right leg over his thighs, his right arm over Lou's stomach and his head on Lou's chest. He realises he has his phone on the bed side table so he texts Liam and Nia on their group chat.

louist91: guys come upstairs im stuck

It takes them around five minutes to see and reply to Louis' text.

niallhoran: ok-

liampayne: we're coming with Zayn make sure your not naked ;)

Louis giggles at Liams reply.
They finally get upstairs around 2 minutes later and enters the room. "Shhhh" louis quietly says, pointing to his chest. They slowly move towards him with a flash light and they see that harry is cuddled up to Louis. Almost like how couples would sleep but not like that. They dont know how to describe it. Liam, Niall and Zayn giggles a little and leaves the room giving Louis no help. Niall also says as they leave "well i already ship it. Ship name: Larry." By that time he knew that the L was the start if his name so he started to think what the other guy name is. He finally came to a conclusion it was Harry. Wow Harry is really cute and adorable, Louis thinks. He hasnt even met him properly and he already has a crush on him. Harry is cute and adorable tho. He has brown curly hair, cute beady emerald eyes and a round kinda buttonish nose. Who wouldnt date him!!?
Louis starts to text the group chat again.

louist91: y'all can add zayn btw

*niallhoran added zaynmalik*

liampayne: hows Harry? ;)

niallhoran: ;)

zaynmalik: hope you guys aint naked ;)

louist91: stop. I only am texting you guys because i need you guys to take care of the party tonight. Im going back to bed

niallhoran: oh- okay. We will take care of it and totally wont take photos of you and harry and make a larry folder

*louist91 has muted the conversation*

Louis moves to get a bit more comfortable to sleep. He slowly leans his head on harrys head and suddenly out of nowhere Harry starts to move. Luckily he didnt wake up he just moved his head more to the centre of Louis chest. Louis cant rest his head on harrys head anymore so he rests his head back onto the pillow.
"Its party time" Niall says to the group. Louis' room is sound proof so they cant hear anything from downstairs and the people outside the room cant hear anything unless its really loud or they are walking past the door. People start knocking at the door around 8:30 at night, entering the house as Zayn greets them. Theres lots of alcohol and beers (beers mainly for Niall because he loves them). "Z-zayn" Liam says to Zayn, who is sitting next to him on the couch. Zayn already knows he has to lift liam and take him to his room. Its like a routine when theres a party there. Even before Harry and Zayn met, he came here for parties and holidays and he would always have to carry liam to his bed. So he goes up stairs and puts liam in his bed and grabs a wet hand towel/cloth/tablecloth and rests it on liams head and tells him to hold it on his head until he gets back.

Zayn leaves the room and goes to check on Louis and Harry. He has Nialls phone since earlier they planned to take photos on Nialls phone like Niall texted in the group chat before Lou muted the chat. He slowly enters and turns the light on. He is quick to adjust the light brightness to the dimest it could be before its impossible to see. He walks over to the bed side closest to him where Louis is. By no surprise Harry is still holding onto Louis. Hes legit cuddling him like hes holding onto his life. Zayn knows that he is holding him like hes holding onto his life because hes never hugged Zayn that way. The only hug Zayn hasnt experienced is the way Harry is hugging Lou. Zayn turns his head and walks closer to the bed side table. Hes shocked. Louis is also cuddling Harry. Like Louis is on the outside and Harry is on the inside of the hug. Louis has always been on to be a big spoon. He just needed his little spoon. Zayn quickly takes around 10 photos on nialls phone of them hugging and one video of him leaving pointing the camera at Louis and Harry.

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