"Finding something to eat..."

Liruliniel laughed, "That is very subtle, where is your sister, or brother?" Tilda shrugged at that, no doubt Sigrid and Bain were aiding where they could. Tilda was still small and young, she couldn't help with first aid, for example. There were other children around, but everyone was so zapped of energy and still in a state that none of them played.

Thranduil watched the interaction quietly, he wasn't surprised she had befriended someone. "Who is your friend, Liruliniel?" He decided to just ask, watching the pair go silent. His earlier run in with the little girl was brief, he had heard her calling a name that he knew could only be tied to one being. Simply he questioned her where and who the owner of the name was, and she had replied that it was a friend, but she couldn't find her. Thranduil was not a fool, he could very well guess who the friend was and he would be lying if he did not feel relief wash over him. Honestly, he thought that Liruliniel would be hauled up in the Mountain. It did trouble him to hear Thorin act so disdainfully, but it also proved Thranduil's point right: whatever kindness Liruliniel would show, it would be thrown back at her. Though he wasn't going to mention this, he was certain she was aware.

Liruliniel gestured a hand to her companion. "This is Tilda, she is Bard's youngest daughter. She and her family were kind enough to allow me to stay when I arrived in Lake-town. Tilda was very brave in a fight, hitting an orc in the face with a plate is daring even for the bravest of warriors." Liruliniel explained, smiling and watching as the young girl seemingly became quite embarrassed by these accolades, or more rather who these were being spoken to. Liruliniel didn't think she'd see the girl bashful, ever, even in front of a king she didn't think she would, but here she was kicking the ground awkwardly with her boot and picking at her doll's hair.

Thranduil tilted his head, "Truly, the act of the bravest warrior indeed." He said watching the young girl grin and look happily up at him. "Shall we?" He asked, waving a hand casually in the air towards where he could see some of the food hauled up in a tent. Tilda was more than happy to trot beside Liruliniel as she looked thankfully at Thranduil. He merely inclined his head, he was not going to tell the little girl to leave them be. He could see she was attached to Liruliniel, and she seemed fond of her too.

A roughly made table had been made out of found things from the area, the same went for benches to sit on, yet the food which had been bought all the way from Mirkwood, was strewn out in an organised way that anyone could find anything they wanted with ease. Thranduil watched as Liruliniel tried to play down how eager she was to pile up food on an empty wooden block, it perhaps had something on it but it had all been eaten. It didn't last long, mainly because Tilda reached up and put something on the block. Liruliniel laughed and the young girl just smiled.

Between them and a few inputs from Thranduil, there was enough food to pick at for hours. They weren't alone in eating in here, there were others dotted about sitting on anything they could find. Tilda swung her legs to and fro as she sat beside Liruliniel, she had the makeshift plate on her lap and Tilda would pick something up from it every now and then. She didn't mind sharing with the girl, perhaps it was better her being with Liruliniel than running about or wandering. It was still a little humorous to her that Thranduil was just sitting and watching the pair curiously; straight backed, hands which could only just be seen peeking out from incredibly long sleeves were resting on his knees. He himself had made use of what seemed to be a barrel, upended and for some reason, the image of him like this just made Liruliniel quietly smile and let out an airy chuckle to herself. Tilda had looked confused, not knowing what she was laughing yet. But Thranduil just stared at her, pointedly and silently. He knew, and he just didn't respond. He wasn't going to ask them to move from what seemed to be the lone stable bench, because he wished to sit there, and they should listen to him because of who he is; no, he wasn't inclined that way, and Liruliniel would no doubt have a comment or two to say if he did.

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