"Wow you can use magic huh? This is going to be interesting. It's been a while since I've fought a good opponent." Cain grinned.

They don't know about you guys do they?

No they don't. We keep our existence a secret so there's no risk of us being ambushed while we are vulnerable. Kai replied.

Ok let me borrow your powers.

Of course. Be careful. This is your first fight. He's not a normal demon.

I fought against you. You're stronger than him aren't you?

Hmph. No need to flatter me. Yes i am stronger than him. But don't let your guard down. The others might worry if you get injured.


"So lets get this over and done with." I looked at him.

"You're one confident son of a bitch huh? This is going to be fun." He took a fight stance.

He gathered dark energy around him. It was pitck black.

He shot a huge blast towards me. I put up a shield and blocked it easily.

I don't want to hurt the person he's possessing so i cast a spell.

Gold chains wrapped around him tightly. He tried to destroy them but they were too strong.

"Get out." I said calmly.

Just like that he was pulled out of the body and now he was in his true form. Horns and wings and everything.

The body fell to the ground. I put him near me. I made sure to put a shield around him.

I looked up at Cain. He was glaring at me.

"Now you've done it. I was going to spare you for a while but I've changed my mind. You're going to die right here right now." He hissed.

He gathered a large amount of dark energy and formed hundreds of spears around him pointed at me.

I formed the exact same spears pointed at him but mine were gold and they were double in number and were twice the size of his.

I shot mine at the same time as he shot his. What he didn't realise is that i made sure to aim at all his ones so they were all destroyed before any of them reached me and the rest of them hit him head on.

He didn't fall yet though. He was injured but he was still in the air and still glaring at me.

He then gathered dark energy again and this time a black hellhound covered in black flames appeared infront of me on the ground.

"Goodluck defeating this." He smirked.

I gathered more mana and channeled it into the ground.

The moment it charged towards me multiple huge gold chains apeared from the ground and stabbed into it and wrapped around it. I then tightened the chains and used them to rip it to pieces. Turns out it was just a pile of skin and bones without the flames.

Suddenly dark chains appeared from under me and wrapped around my legs. I released a load of mana and destroyed them instantly.

I looked up and saw Cain casting a huge spell. The clouds started getting darker.

That's a huge spell. It will destroy this whole island and every animal on it. Kai said.

I'm not letting him.

I used apportion and appeared right infront of him. He was taken aback and his magic wavered for a second. I used that opening to gather mana and blow his whole torso into pieces.

Demons have six hearts so i need to destroy them all to kill them.

His body turned to ashes and disappeared. The clouds also turned back to normal and the hellhound which was blown into pieces disappeared.

I went back to the ground and took the person who was still passed out. I used apportion and brought us back to the terrace. 

Pha was sitting on the floor leaning on the wall and mom and dad were sitting beside him. 

The moment they saw me, they immediately stood up.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Mom asked frantically. 

"Not a scratch."I assured her.

Dad looked at the one on my shoulder. He had an angry expression on his face.

"I don't think he's at fault. Cain is one of the strongest demons in hell. So it wouldn't have been that hard to possess him even if he tried to fight back." I said.

They nodded.

"But i think it will be a good idea to question him to see what we can find out. Like if he remembers what happened when he was possessed." I added.

Dad took him from me and we made our way inside. 

That was a great fight. You actually defeated him easily without my help. Kai said happily.

Of course. I learned from the best. 

He scoffed. Stop the flattering.

I could tell he was happy about the compliment though. I couldn't help but chuckle at his cutness.

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