Chapter 2: Each other

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??? POV

Naru was sat on a couch, staring at her knee, evidently scared of everyone around her.
"Naru, what age are you?" Asked Asuma
"I..I am... I...I just.. tu..turned I'm" Naru stated unsure of the people around her
"Ah OK would you like me to style your hair for you Naru?" Asked Kurenia
"Yea..yes.y..yes p..ple..please" Naru replied. After a while everyone got over their shock of Naru and decided to ask her questions.
"Naru, when is your birthday?" Asked Kiba
"O..o..october T..te.tenth" Naru  responded
"Oh OK... WAIT TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY" Kiba shouted causing Naru to get scared and hide in the corner of the room "I..I'm s...sorry si..sir please d..don't me" Naru stuttered out with her hand placed protectively over her face.
"What the hell happened to this small girl, she sounds scared for her life" Neji exclaimed
"Kiba apologies to her" Ino said in a dangerously sweet tone
"OK I will it's just, it's this girl's birthday today, she just turned four" Kiba said before walking up to Naru and kneeling down to her height "Naru, it's OK I won't hurt you, would you like to come and sit on the couch?" Kiba asked the shivering girl earning a nod from her, so he lifted her up and placed on the couch before stating "she feels like she hasn't eaten in a while?"

"My youthful friend, when was the last time you ate?" Asked Gai
Causing Naru to look up at him with a confused face " Er... L..last m..month, I..I'm s...sorry m..mister i...if that is .much." Naru said stuttered out
"Choji get this girls some food" Stated Asuma
"Yes, Asuma-sensei!" Choji replied pulling out a small bag of crisps and handing them to Naru "Eat up" Choji finished
"Bu...but s..sir w..wo...won't I..I get tro..trouble?" Naru stated looking at Choji with wide eye.
"No no it's fine enjoy them" Choji said which earned him something unexpected... A hug from Naru
"T...thank you s...sir... Really th..thank you" Naru said not stuttering, as much, anymore.
"It's fine Naru-chan" Choji replied
After a few more hour of chatting and talking about what to do, everyone decided that they were going to the hot springs.
Once all the girls were in their section, they began to get changed.
"I wish I had big ones mine are flat" Naru stated to Hinata causing everyone burst into laughter
"I'm sure when you grow up you will be big and strong like us" Ino replied, for Hinata, who was red in the face from embarrassment.
After that all the girls got into the water.
"So Naru, how does the water feel?" Asked Kurenia
"It feels... Amazing, but no where near as hot as the time the villagers set me on Fire" Naru said with her four year old childishness
The rest of the night was relatively quiet until.
"Look, Naru feel asleep on Sasuke's lap" stated Kakashi to the rest of the gang.
"Sasuke, you seem to really like Naru" stated Kiba as he sat down next to him.
"Yea, she is like that younger sister I never had" Sasuke said looking at Naru
"You know once we are back to the village tomorrow we can asked Tsunade if you would like to adopt her as your little sister" Asuma said sitting on the opposite side of Sasuke
"Yea, I may just do that" Sasuke replied with a small smile etched on his face.

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