My face fell. BFFs. The only part is that... part of me wants to drop one of the Fs.

I just nodded in response. We were soon outside and I was walking her to my car. I walked to her door and opened it. Shea rolled her eyes in a joking matter and climbed in.

"Thanks Ju Ju." Shea yelled before I closed the door. Shea knows how much that name will get on my nerves. To be honest, Shea is the only one I let get away with it.

Once we got back to my house, we were alone. My mom worked till 10 tonight. I feel bad that she has to work such long hours but I'm thankful for all she does. I help out because I work in a really cool store call Zumiez. It sells really cool clothes and skate boards etc.

"Ehhh, why is it so hot in here? " Shea said with a Spanish accent. Sometimes that happens with her and to be honest I find it a complete turn on.
I just shrugged.

"I'll go check out the thermostat." I said .
"Alright, I'm going to change." Shea said running up the stairs. I went to the thermostat and checked it only to see that the motherfucker was on 80 degrees. DAMN!! I lowered it down to 70 and walked into the kitchen.I took off my shirt for how hot it was. I grabbed some chips and put them in a small bowel. Soon I Made my way to the laundry room and grabbed a pair of clean sweatpants, slipping them on.

I walked into the living room only to have my eyes bulge out of my head. Shea was standing there only in a tight Cami and panties. They were like boy shorts but cheeky. Shea has walked around like this before because of how comfortable we around each other but she hasn't done it in a long time.

Shea continued to scroll through the channels with the remote, probably looking for adventure time.

"Hey Shea." I said trying to talk without the lump in my throat.

"Hey, I'm just looking for adventure time...BOOM found it." she said. She tapped a but to over and over seeming to have a struggle.

"The volume won't work.." Shea muttered as she tried clicking.

" Oh, you have to press it on the TV, the cable dude should be here tomorrow." I said sitting down on one of the love seats.

Shea walked over to the TV and bent down to turn it up. I dropped my bowel as her ass came into full view. My breath quicken and something began to rise... and it wasnt jesus...

"Alright.." Shea mummbled as she made her way over to me and sat next me. She swang her legs over mine and I sighed in relief that I could some what cover it up.

"Why is there chips everywhere?" Shea questioned.

I just shrugged my shoulders and she just rolled her eyes.

After watching Adventure Time for an hour I got a text from Chaz

'Ry and I are on our way. We got food:)'

I looked over at Shea.

"Go change.." I said to her, "Ryan and Chaz are on their way over here and... yeah." I finished with my eyes skimming over her body. She stood up and I got one last good view of that ass. Soon I heard the front door bang open and heavy footsteps walk into the room.

"All by yourself Bieber?" Ryan asked.

"No Shea is up stairs getting changed." I answered back. Chaz did wiggily eyebrows and Ryan smirked.

Light footsteps came into the room. Shea wore a pair of my sweatpants now but still had her cami on. She sat next to me Chaz on the two people love seat. Her legs were drapped over his. She offered him a pringle and he smiled huge before taking one.

Jealousy started to course through my veins as Chaz started to rub his hand over her knee.

"What are we going to watch?" Ry asked.

With out thinking I blurted out texas chainsaw. Shea's eyes widen,but soon went back to normal. Shea isnt afraid of watching scary movies, she just is afraid of the dreams they could bring her.

"Let's take this to the theater." I said and everyone knodded.

Once we got there Ryan popped in the disk and we all sat down. I quickly pulleed Shea into my lap before anyone else could get their hands on her. I started to thank my self for not wearing a shirt... genius!

Shea POV

Justin pulled me into is lap and I didnt fight it. I sat down and laid my head against his shoulder wrapping one of my arms around his toro and the other one drew shapes on his chest. I could soon hear Jason's heart rate pick up when I traced his well defined abs.

Justin shuttered slightly thinking I didn't notice, oh this should be fun...



If anyone is having trouble with pronouncing Shea, it sounds like Shay but is spelled Shea

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