Chapter 16

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Shea POV

I stared at my raspberries not knowing what to say, should I just be straight up with him?
Justin moved in closer to me grasping my thigh.
"You do thinking we have a future together, right?" Justin asked me with a strain in his voice.

I put my hands over my face before answering.
"Justin honestly, I don't know. I don't about any of this. I'm only fourteen Justin, soon to be fifteen and I don't really know one hundred percent about what I want for my future. You are closer to making those decisions then I am. I would love to have something with you, but you have to think realistic. You are nineteen! You're starting college next year, I'm going into sophomore year. You will meet a lot of beautiful women and be tempted. Tempted, Justin, I'm not fully ready to satisfy any sexual needs you may have. When I am ready, will probably be a while from now, and I'm not sure if you're up to the wait. I'm sorry." I said my eyes brimming with tears. Justin already had tears cascading down his cheeks.

"Shea, I can wait, I can wait for as long as you need, I just want to be with you. I want to be able to call you mine, baby." Justin said caressing my cheek.

"Justin you are a hormonal young man, and I know for a fact you've had sex before. How am I expected to know your gonna wait when you've already dove into that pool." I said rubbing my hand over my face, feeling stress over take me from the conversation.

"Shea, that doesn't matter."

"Justin! yes it-" I was cut off when soft plump lips captured mine.  I tried to push against his kiss but Justin kept firm grip around me, hungrily sucking on my lips.

I gave in and ran my fingers through his hair as he pulled me up on his lap so that I was straddling his waist.  His hands traveled down my waist, squeezing my ass in his large hands. He moaned as he felt me up. I attempted to hold one back, not wanting to embarrass myself.

Justin's tongue slid across my bottom lip asking for an entrance.  I granted him permission. His tongue fully explored my mouth.

Justin broke the kiss for a second while he slipped his shirt off.  My eyes scanned down his ripped torso before his lips were on mine once again.

I could feel my t shirt dress being hiked up a little until my whole ass was on display, since I was only wearing a thong. Justin pulled my hips closer and grippers a handful of my ass, making me moan this time.
I slapped my hand over my mouth in embarrassment before my cheeks got heated.
Justin just laughed at my face before leaning in and kissing my cheek. He then leaned back supporting his weight on his palms as his eyes scanned slowly up and down my body. I bit my lip and looked down.

"You know your beautiful?" Justin asked me pushing a loose strand of hair that fell out of my bun.
"You say that all the time." I laughed rolling my eyes.

I herd the front door open and I immediately hopped off of his lap and pulled my dress down. I could hear light footsteps walk to the kitchen before a bag was placed on the counter.

I was now sitting back in front of my plate trying to fix my hair a little so I don't look like a complete mess. Justin on the other hand didn't move one bit. His shirt was off and still laying beside him, and his hair was pointing in all directions from when my hands rummaged through it. I grabbed his shirt threw it down the hallway so that nobody would think he took it off right here.

I looked at the kitchen and saw Pattie's head pop around the corner which honestly slightly surprised me, I was expecting my mom's.

"Hey Shea! How are you doing Hun?" she asked rinsing her hands off.
"Great." I smiled at Pattie. Her eyes then traveled to her son's where he still sat, in the same position.

She cocked in an eyebrow as she took in his appearance and then her eyes traveled over to me and back to him.
"Justin, how are you doing babe?" Pattie asked with an eerie tone as she analyzed him.
"Amazing mother, you?" Justin laughed before he fell backwards so that his head was resting in my lap. This reminded me of how he would always do this when we were younger.

It really started when I was 12 and he was 16. Justin always brought me along when visiting his dad. We would always got to the park for picnics and while Jeremy and Erin were with Jazzy and Jaxon were at the park...

I attempted to skip rocks as I waited for Justin to come back from getting something that was "none of my beeswax."
"Alright my lady, I have returned." Justin bowed before holding up a plastic bag and a yellow sheet.

I laughed at Justin before he gave me the bag to hold and he unfolded the sheet and laid it on the ground.
"Ladies first." he smiled. I just laughed and sat down on the blanket, stretching out my legs.  Justin faced his back towards me and laid back, his head landing in my lap.

"You comfy?" I asked with a giggle.
"Very. Now open the bag."  Justin said nodding his head towards the bags next to me.
I grabbed it and opened it open, only for it to reveal a bunch of treats. There was chocolates, gummies, chips, and chopped fruits.

I smiled before looking back down at Justin who was already staring up at me with a small smile on his face.
"Aw Jay." I said.
"Now feed me." He said closing his eyes and opening his mouth.
"Boy bye." I said popping a Swedish fish in my mouth. Justin rolled his eyes before leaning back even further into my legs.

"You know, you're really comfortable." he said with a laugh.
"You're like my little portable pillow." Justin said grabbing my hand and interlacing our fingers.
"Pretty much all pillows are technically portable Jay." I rebuddled.
"True, but you're MY pillow. I should just lay here more often." Justin said turning on his side and snatching the bag out of my hand.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when the front door slammed closed and my mom's short, blonde hair came into view from behind the kitchen counter.
"Hey Mama." I smiled.
"Hey babe, Justin! You doing good? " my mom said looking at Justin but then her smile dropped.

"What were you guys doing?" She asked, probably eyeing our disheveled hair and swollen lips.
"Watching SpongeBob." I said looking back up at the TV. My mom nodded.

"Anyway, Pattie and Justin are staying over for dinner, so be ready to eat at 6." my mom told us.

We nodded before heading upstairs.


Ok so some shit is about to go down in the next chapter so be tf ready.

Anyway I have to say something. For all the people complaining about Shea's age, pack your shit and leave. This whole book is meant about there being a major age difference between Justin and Shea and how/if they are able to get through the struggle of age while bringing inlove. It wouldn't be much of a fucking age difference story of Shea was 17 and Justin was 19.

Also, I don't need anyone commenting about how bitchy Shea is. She is suppose to be a 14 year old girl going through her teen years. Why the fuck would I make her act like she is 25?!

Got it good?

For the rest of you who support me and don't bitch, thank you

Either way I love you all
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Age DifferenceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz