Chapter 2

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Justin POV

The alarm rang in my ears with an obnoxious noise. I rolled over and slapped my hand over my phone silencing it. I turned back onto my side and averted my eyes to the gorgeous girl next to me. She looked so beautiful.

Her red/pink, plump lips were slightly parted. The beautiful brown eyes that I love are shut and her eyelashes sweep her cheeks. I traced my fingers over the two beauty marks on her face. One about and inch under her left eye, and another on the right side of her mouth. They make her so unique and I love that. Her tan/brown skin glowed from the sun shining in from the window. Her curly brown hair framed her face perfectly even though it was slightly tossed from sleep.
"Wake up sleeping beauty." I whispered into her ear.
She groaned loudly and sat up wiping the drool of the side of her mouth and yawning loudly. Her tired dark brown orbs looked over at me and she gave me a drowsy smile. She gave a loud sneeze and scratched her head as she crawled out of the bed.

As she walked out of the bedroom I admired her body. Now I know what your thinking, an 19 year old looking at a 15 year old? Well, you would also stare if you saw what Shea had going for her, that's why I have to keep all the horny children off my woman. Her waist curved in, which complemented that fat ass of hers. Every time her thick legs would rub together as she walked it almost made me collapse to my knees and praise the holy lord for his creation. For 15, she has a pretty nice rack if you know what I mean ;) .

She turned around at the door and gave me a questioned look. Oh shit did I get caught?!
"You coming for breakfast... Or nah?" she asked doing the hand gesture. I laughed and nodded my head yes. But, the thing that attracted me most to her, was the fact that she can make me laugh and feel most comfortable around her. Her and my mother are some of the only people I can truly open up to. I followed her down the stairs into the kitchen.
"What do you want to eat big boy? " she asked me with a smirk.
"I'll take some of that Captain Crunch, hommie bro.'' I said doing a thug accent.
Her beautiful laugh filled my ears and I just smiled.

She turned around and went into the pantry pulling out a box of Captain Crunch. She reached up to the cabinet and got to her tippy toes to reach the bowl. I just quietly laughed at her cuteness. She pulled milk out the fridge poured it into the bowl along with the cereal. She made herself a bowl of fruity pebbles and sat next to me. We quietly ate until we were done. I let her pick out what she wanted from my closet. She came out looking adorable in my over sized clothing ( what she wears to school is the pic above or to the side.) She threw her curls into a messy bun on top of her head and I went into the closet looking for something that myself could wear. I chose black skinny jeans and a black and white stripped v neck. I slipped on my Red hightops and walked into my room where Shea was playing Five nights at Freddy's on my phone. She refuses to pay $3.00 on the game so she just plays it on my phone.
"Come and get me fuckers..." She mumbled to herself watching the game closely.
"BOOM BITCH!! Night 3, COMPLETE!" She yelled in victory. I let out a loud laugh causing her to notice my presence.

She rolled her eyes and closed out of the game still smiling proudly of herself. We walked out of my room and downstairs where I grabbed my bookbag by the front door.

"Oh snap. I forgot my backpack at home." Shea huffed annoyed.

"It's fine, it Friday anyway I doubt they planned on giving you anything and we didnt have any homework last night." I said shrugging my shoulders. I asked her yesterday if she did and she said no so we are good. Shea is in the 9th grade because she was able to skip kindergarden. She has always been very smart.

I looked over at her and smiled because of my baggy clothes on her. My smell will be all over her and every boy in school because they cant seem to get the message when im always walking around with her and kissing her head and holding her hand. I obviously want her but she just cant seem to realize.

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