"I'm glad you asked that sweetheart, but strip. Now." He states, ignoring the way my eyes widen and my mouth drops open, watching him in shock as he takes off his shirt and unbuttons his pants. He folds them and sets them in a small pile, turning to me as he stands there in just his boxers, rolling his eyes as he sees me fully clothed. "Did I stutter? Take off your fucking clothes" he mumbles, reaching down to pull off his boxers before I smack him on the shoulder, glaring at him as he looks at me confused.

"Why don't you say please? I'm not some bitch you can just boss around" I huff, rolling my eyes as I turn around to walk away, only to get yanked backwards, my fully clothed body coming in contact with his now bare front. I wiggle to try and get away from him, sagging against him in defeat, as he just wraps his arms around my waist, his chin resting on the top of my head as he waits for me to stop. "Get off of me, you're so annoying" I snap at him, growing more annoyed as I feel him laughing against me, knowing he's enjoying my attitude.

"You're so fucking hot when you're mad" he smirks out, turning me around to face him, slightly bending down to press a kiss to the top of my forehead, chuckling as I say nothing in return and stand there staring at him. He grabs the hem of my shirt as I stand still, slowly lifting it and letting it drop on to the sand, before his hands reach down, undoing the button of my jeans with ease. I mean it's not like that's the first time he's done that. "Cheer up sweetheart, you know you like when I boss you around.. I mean you sure as fuck liked it the other night" he grins, laughing when I push against his chest, my own smile finally breaking through.

"Whatever, why're we stripping on the beach? I'm not doing anything here, sand will get in places I don't ever want it to be" I warn him, laughing as he pulls me forward and his hand goes to my back, skillfully unclasping my bra, tossing it to the ground with the rest of my now discarded clothes. He ignores my questions and tugs at my underwear, not wanting to bend down to remove those, making me roll my eyes and pull them down, kicking them to the side once they fall to my ankles. He steps back and stares at me in awe, my face heating up as his eyes wander my now slightly shivering body, looking at me as if he's seeing me for the first time. "Stop looking at me like that, it makes me shy" I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest as I start to feel slightly embarrassed standing here completely bare in front of him. He lets out a noise of disapproval, coming closer and grabbing my hands, removing my arms from covering my body from him.

"Don't cover yourself, you're stunning. I've seen you like this so many times yet I'm always so star stuck with you baby" he whispers, one of his hands dragging across my hip slowly, giving me a lazy love struck grin as his eyes meet mine again. He tugs me against him, wrapping his arms around me in a soft embrace, kissing the top of my head as I give him a small squeeze of appreciation. He stays silent for a few minutes, before breaking the silence in a way that I should have seen coming a lot sooner.

"Ruel no it's gonna be cold" I screech when he lifts me up and jogs to the water, the waves reaching shore in a peaceful manner, a bit more calm than they usually seem to be this time at night. He stops with me wrapped around his waist, my arms tightly around his neck, the water reaching mid chest to him, meaning if he let me go I'd practically be fully submerged. I shift and tighten my hold around him, the cold water splashing up and down my back, making sure my chest and stomach stay pressed against him to help lessen the cold temp from reaching them.

We both look out at the moon in silence for a few minutes, just holding each other and trying to stay as warm as possible, the freezing water around us chilling me straight to the bone. He slowly starts to let me go, laughing as I grab on to his arms to stay afloat, moving my feet so I can tread and not sink straight down. He raises one of his arms to push some of my hair back, laughing as my hand gripping his arm moves with his movement, completely unwilling to let him go in case I float out into the ocean. He moves my hands to rest on his shoulders, his coming down to my waist as he helps me stay up, ignoring the little nudges of my feet kicking his shins.

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