Don't Talk To Her Like That

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Today Ruel had one last concert before going on a two week break, let's just say the boy was literally buzzing around with excitement for the free time he was going to have soon. I'm currently laying across the bed on the back of the tour bus, watching him play fifa like I usually do. He finishes a match before turning to me with the grin of a Cheshire Cat, knowing that look on his face I immediately try to push my body out of his reach, but as usual his long ass arms grabbed me instantly. Within seconds I'm hanging over his shoulder, basically a million feet above the ground, as he chants and tells everyone on the bus how good he is at fifa.

"Ruel dumbass put me down," I shriek, laughter pouring out of me as he jostles my body around, all of the crew pulling their phones out to record the chaos. "Bubs we gotta go or you'll be late, we can't be late to another concert or Nate is going to take your game" I try to reason with the tall boy, my body slamming against his back as he instantly freezes.

He immediately jogs out of the bus, along with the few other crew members with us, running into the venue so he can get up on stage. He sets me down next to the stairs, giving me a small kiss before interlocking our pinkies, making me kiss one side as he kissed the other for good luck. I watch him in awe, completely overwhelmed by my beautiful boy doing what he loves.


Ruel says his goodbyes to the crowd, thanking them for all the support they give him, before running off stage and coming straight to me. He lifts me up to spin me around, causing me to laugh at his excitement, before pushing him and his sweaty body away from me. He pulls me back instantly, connecting our lips in a soft kiss, causing all the crew backstage to coo at our relationship. We hear the click of a camera, turning to see Michelle smiling as she looks at the picture with the crew, all of them loving the relationship we have with each other.

He pulls me away to his dressing room, tossing me his phone as he rushes into the bathroom to shower, knowing he only has half an hour before he has to do his meet and greet. I walk over to his bag and pull out an outfit for him, before seating myself on the couch to play whatever games he has on his phone. I'm in the middle of playing angry birds when he runs out in a towel, giving me a boyish grin as he sees his outfit already laid out for him, walking over to place a kiss onto my forehead.

"Baby I'm so excited for this m&g, you know I love meeting the fans" he murmurs excitedly, pulling the sweater I picked out over his head. I let out a laugh, knowing that he was seconds away from bursting with excitement. I walk over and start to dry his hair, before fixing it so that it's not tangled and messy. We walk out of the dressing room, heading straight to the little room where Michelle and the others are setting up the camera, waiting for them to give him instructions. He walks over to the couch and sits down, motioning me to go join him while he waits. Finally the time comes for us to go stand in the other room, so he can meet his fans before the pictures. Ruel grins at me, and leans down to press a quick kiss on my forehead as he makes his way to chair, before I turn to stand with Michelle off to the side, both of us smiling at the pure love he has for his fans.

"Okay Ruel, the girls are getting sent in now, you already know the drill" Nate confirms with him, watching him send a nod back in agreement. The doors then start opening as a group of teenage girls walk in, all animatedly talking, having not noticed the green eyed boy sitting in front of them. He stands up from his chair, causing the group of girls to freeze in shock, all of them in awe that he was truly standing in front of them. He sends them a grin before spreading his arms out, all of them rushing in to give him a group hug, but struggling because of the amount of them.

I stand off to the side of the room alone now, just watching with a smile at how happy they all were, before feeling Coco come up behind me and hug me. We both watch as the girls gathered in a complete circle around him, all trying to talk at once, spewing compliments and questions at him in a rush. After a couple minutes of questions Ruel walks into the other room, where the couch and camera were, letting the girls come in individually or in small groups for their pictures. Coco and I both laughing as we hear some of the picture requests the girls are asking for, knowing the look on his face must be hilarious right now.

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