After Care: Soft Version

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Ruel groans into my neck from his place on top of me, his hips softly meeting mine for the last time, my hands completely tangled in his hair. We stay wrapped up for a few minutes, both of us coming down from our highs, before he pulls back and hovers his face above mine. He gives me a soft smile, reaching up to push a few strands of my hair behind my ear, watching me with utter love and adoration in his eyes. He leans down and gives me a few soft kisses, mumbling praises and compliments between each one, before rolling off of me and laying on his back.

We lay there out of breath still, before both of us turn to look at each other, smiling at the soft glow both of us seem to have. I raise my hand and run it through his hair, my heart swelling with love as he closes his eyes and grabs my hand to hold it against his cheek, turning to press a small kiss to my palm.

"I love you." I whisper, watching his eyes flutter open as he looks at me, a boyish grin breaking out on his face as he sits up, moving so he can lean his face over mine. His eyes wander over my face for a few seconds, before he leans down and connects our lips, mumbling his reply softly back to me. "I'm glad we finally got to be alone for a bit, it was starting to be a bit suffocating always being around people" I softly laugh out, pulling away from him, watching the eye roll he gives to my comment.

"That's not what you said earlier at the family picnic if I recall correctly, glad to know you finally came to your senses" he smirks out, squealing seconds later as I reach my arm out and pinch his side for ruining the cute atmosphere we had going on. "I hope you know that's bullying, it's not like I lied though" he mumbles, instantly rolling away as he sees me dart my hand back out for more revenge. I give him a small pout, hoping it'll lure him into coming back over to me, since he always falls for my traps. He gives me a disapproving glance before shaking his head, standing up and leaving the bed completely.

"Nooo, come back. I promise I won't pinch you again if you come lay with me" I plead, knowing he can't resist and won't be able to tell me no, I mean he's a sucker for cuddling. He ignores me and continues his way into the bathroom, leaving me to roll over on to my back and stare at the ceiling, wondering when my husband will finally return from war. Just kidding, I stare at the ceiling wondering what I did in a past life to get a boyfriend that won't even cuddle with me after I've been nothing but nice to him. This is why Wilbur is better than him, because he actually cuddles with me.

As I lay there silently, I hear the tap running in the bathroom, causing me to be even more confused about what he's doing in there, but knowing I probably don't want to know. I lean over and grab my phone, changing the playlist we had on to a more slow and peaceful vibe, knowing he's going to want to relax for the rest of the night. As the music fills the room, I softly sing along, a small smile growing on my face as I hear Ruel singing along from the bathroom, only for the door to open and him to make his way over to my seconds later.

"Babe I need you to turn a little bit more over here so that I don't fall off of the bed" he chuckles, watching as I give him a confused look at his request, not wanting to move from my already comfortable position. I ignore him and keep singing, only for him to grab my leg and pull me to where he wanted, earning a groan of pain from me. "I take it that's not a good noise huh" he mumbles, watching me with a slightly apologetic look as I frown at him, already knowing this feeling was gonna last a few days.

"This is your fault. You said it was gonna be soft ruel" I whine out, my whole body slowly starting to feel the toll of today's activities, the adrenaline from earlier disappearing. He softly grabs my legs and puts one on either side of him as he situates himself between them, my eyes finally catching on to the rag he's holding. I immediately try to close my legs and pull away from him, causing him to groan and hold me in place. "No. I do not want the rag. Don't do this to me, I thought you loved me, you're a liar" I cry out, throwing my hands over my face, hoping my dramatics would make him feel bad for me. I should have known better, he's a cold heartless boy.

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