Secrets & Rainy Days

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I pick up Ruels dirty clothes off the floor, throwing them into the hamper we have in the corner of the room, deciding that today's rainy day would be dedicated to cleaning. Trust me, I'd rather sleep and watch Netflix all day, but when you live with a walking tornado of a boyfriend, you sometimes just don't have a choice. We have a system though, since he does all of the cooking and errand running (usually making me go with him because he gets "lonely"), while I just tidy up the apartment once it starts to look a little messy. It's not like he doesn't clean at all or leaves his mess everywhere, he just doesn't know a thing about organizing and loves to leave his dirty socks on our bedroom floor.

As I finish up our bedroom, only having to pick up a few articles of clothing, and fix our bedside tables, I hear him start to strum on his guitar. I instantly get excited, since one of my favorite parts about cleaning days, is that he always sings, giving me my own private concert. I softly smile and grab his hoodie off of our desk chair, taking it outside to him since he's only in a t-shirt and sweats, knowing he'd sit out on the balcony and play regardless if he gets cold or not. I stop in front of his favorite outdoor sofa, laughing at the way he has an umbrella strategically placed to block the light rain coming down just so he could stay out here.

"Thanks my love, since today is cleaning day, what songs do you want to request? I also opened the other windows so you could still hear me" he softly questions, giving me a boyish grin while grabbing the hoodie from my hands. I ponder over his question before giving him a small shrug, choosing to rush from the doorway and to get under his umbrella, so I could climb up on to his lap. He lets out a laugh, setting his guitar against the chair where it could still be protected from the rain, but give him space to wrap his arms around me.

"Hm I don't know, surprise me? You already know I love everything you sing" I mumble, pressing my lips lightly against his neck, laughing when he shivers from the contact. I press another kiss to his neck, slowly making my way around the base of his throat, leaving a trail of light pink marks as I go. I get to his favorite spot, a little bit below his ear, and lightly bite down, smirking when he lets out a groan and digs his fingers into my hips. Before I can even try to keep going, my face is pulled away from his neck, his lips instantly smashing upon mine.

I let out a light gasp as he kisses me, my mouth instantly being filled with the taste of cherry chapstick, the chapstick I know he stole from my purse. I grip on to his shoulders, his own hands gripping my hips and pulling me against him, before I start to become restless. My hands move up into his hair, lightly tugging on it as he groans into my mouth, before I swipe my tongue across his bottom lip. He pulls away from me with a chuckle, lips and face flushed red, and a light smirk on his face.

"As much as I love having you on top of me, I already know you're going to be mad tonight if you don't get all your organizing done, so let's postpone this for when you're done" he laughs out, eyes focused on the pout that forms on my face, knowing I was about to start whining. I open my mouth to complain that I want attention, only to get cut off right before I can even speak since he leans in and gives me another kiss. "Lets make a deal, once you finish up, we can do whatever you want. Sound good baby?" He says with a soft smile, knowing exactly what I was going to ask for.

"Cuddles and kisses?" I ask, resting my hands on both sides of his face, feeling the soft skin move as he presses a kiss against my palm. He gives me a small nod of approval, knowing just exactly how I like to spend our lazy days together, which is with him absolutely showering me in love and attention. "Fine, I guess I'll go finish what I need to do, buuuut I want a kiss. Just one more" I tell him, giving him a small pout as I run my thumb across his bottom lip. He chuckles at my whining, giving my thumb a kiss, before grasping the side of my face in his hand.

"One more kiss and then you gotta go do whatever it is that you do when organizing" he whispers, his mouth pressing against mine right after. I lean in more, adding more pressure in hopes of distracting him, only for him to pull away with one last peck against my lips. "I know what you're trying to do, it's not gonna work this time sweetheart" he laughs, a lazy grin spreading across his face as I roll my eyes, knowing I'll have to wait till later for him to give me more attention. I climb off of his lap, turning so I can get out from under his umbrella, when his hand flys out and roughly smacks against my ass.

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