[OG] Chapter 2: The Barlett Attack

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I pulled out my katana to make more mask down since I emptied the LMG. A mask snuck on me and stabbed me in the back, I grabbed my knife and stabbed it in his arm, I dropped my katana and pulled the knife knowing this was a knife battle that I would never forget. I was bleeding badly and the adrenaline kicked in then I killed the mask with a stab to the eye. Then 2 more marks came from the dust and shot at me, I pulled out my D-50 and shoot both of them in the head with ease. I heard a helicopter in the background and wondered who was it I looked around more and got shoot in right in my back, all I saw was my vision disappearing like dust and I started to feel like this was the end, I was gonna die right here and be one the casualties of the mask. I saw a pilot shoot him in the head with a AR then told his coms that he found someone dying that he's going to bring him out, he pulled me up checking my eyes to see if I was dead, pulled his head to his coms that he got a survivor, I ask who is he, then I couldn't believe what response I got, Team Mother Fucking Rainbow.

Jäger POV
I pulled a person in a hazmat suit out of here as I think he's from a new division of the mask and we needed to interrogate him, but then I looked at his suit to see that he is not a mask and he is still alive, despite all the bullet wounds he has on his back and stomach. Must be a tough mother fucker, I pulled him up to support him and get him to the area where they try to save the injured. When I handed him over to the medics, I saw that he end unconscious and probably is going to be in a coma due to how much blood he has lost. I went back inside to my squad and tell them that I'll cover them and to start defusing the bomb. Once the defuser went off, all he'll broke loose. Gun shoots coming from everywhere . I yelled when I got shot on my shoulder and my leg. We got out of there as soon as we defused both bombs. I was taken to that exact area for the injured and to the corner or my eye, I see Bandit walking up to me about to tell me bad news.

Bandit POV
I went to go talk to Jäger about the casualties of the innocent and the mask. There were about 75 innocent casualties with 87 in critical condition, and 89 mask casualties with 6 injured and used for interrogation. Jäger looked like he was a disappointment and fucked up his job, I told him that we saved many lives and he went off after that. Telling me that they didn't just have a attack on America soil, they attack our future. I'm not going to lie he was right, they did have a attack on our future. I told him to pack his shit because we are going to Hereford and we are going to try to recruit the guy Jäger recused.

Timeskip 2 weeks

July 18, 2020, 4:38 PM

The Thing POV
I woke up in a in a infirmary and I was confused on what happened in what I thought were past hours I was out. I saw a dude with a big ass helmet and those shock shits they used in the hospitals and stuff come in. "Hey this guy is awake Jäger," said the GIGN dude to the pilot that saved my ass out there. This is how to conversation went

Jäger: Aye your awake now and what you did out at Bartlett was amazing and who are you exactly

The Thing: A dude that kills mask with a katana, a F1, and a D-50 and who are you

Jäger: I'm Marius and a dude blah blah blah what's your actual name

The Thing: Isaiah

Jäger: And where the fuck did you get the hazmat suit from Isaiah

The Thing: I may or may not have stole it and modified it if something like this happened

Jäger: Ha typical

The Thing: Yeah and where am I

Jäger: Eh I will tell you if you answer this question

The Thing: Alright tell me what it is

Jäger: Want to join Team Rainbow, you could be a really good asset to the team due to how you can preform on the field

The Thing: Fuck yeah I will

Jäger: Alright you are at Hereford Base in Hereford, England and let me give you the paperwork

The Thing: Alright sounds good let me get out of this bed real quick

Jäger: Ok sign the paperwork and give it to Six alright and you been out for the past 2 weeks get your ass up

The Thing: Damn 2 weeks new record and alright I will give it to her peace Jagger


The Thing: Jezz bro chill out

The Thing POV
I'm heading to the office right now to join Rainbow and I don't really know what my code name should be. I think it should be Ktulu because of how scary I could be. I walked in to see this women in a chair looking like she was waiting for me, I gave her the paperwork telling her I'm in Rainbow. She told me the usual stuff about the rules and gave me my key to my dorm. Turns out her codename is Six and she gave me a day to think of my codename. I told her that my codename will be Ktulu. After that I walked into my dorm ready for the adventure to come. The next 10 years I'm in Team Rainbow and will make friends with some people here, even date someone, which who knows who is that, and be in joint operations with other CTUs and take the mask down...

The Thing That Should Not Be (A Rainbow 6 Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant